The magician series, episode 8 The times of the series “The magician Abed Fahd” in Abu Dhabi, LBCI and Sama Al-Suria


In the 2020 wizard series, thousands of viewers are watching the new series of the wizard, artist Abed Fahd and shared by Lebanese star Stephanie Saliba, where the series managed to attract Arab viewers from the first episode, despite the scenes. that were not filmed due to Corona Virus, but Abed Fahd managed to attract the viewer, and we present to you In the Nation Guide, the date of the series, the magician Abed Fahd, the seventh episode 7, on the occasional channels and the replay dates, as we bring you the latest events from the eighth episode of wizard Abed Fahd.

What are you going to read

The series of magicians, the eighth episode 8

In the previous episode, Atef decided to take revenge on Mina “Abed Fahd” after being suspicious of his wife Carmen “Stephanie Saliba, where he kidnapped Mina and was interrogated and cheated and lied to him that his wife Carmen came because of her feeling of frustration and failure, and then Mina read the future to Atef and let him go.

The dates and replays of the show series

You can follow “The Magician” series on more than one channel and at different times, so you only need to set the frequency and follow Abed Fahd’s “The Magician” series.

The date of the eighth Magician series, episode 8, on the Abu Dhabi channel

At 10:00 am Syrian time and 11 am Abu Dhabi time

The date of the series 8 magician on the LBCI channel

At 12:45 a.m., repeat at 2 a.m.

The date of the series “The Magician”, episode 8, on the OSN channel Yahala Al-Oula

At 9:00 p.m., repeat at 3 a.m.

The date of the series “The Magician”, episode 8, on OSN Ya Hala

At 10:00 at night, repeat at 4 in the morning.

The date of the series “The Magician”, the eighth episode, on the Syrian channel Sama

At 12 o’clock at night, repeat at 12 o’clock in the morning.

The frequency of the Syrian channel Sama 2020

The satelite Nile Sab
Frequency 11177
Polarization Horizontal
Coding 27500
Resplendent 5/6

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