The Lebanon Championship is threatened


The Crown crisis was very severe for Lebanese basketball, every time a plan to face the epidemic was issued and official authorities issued recommendations and decisions, one of the main points was the request to close closed stadiums and sports halls. From here on, it was very difficult for clubs to launch their drills after the move seemed acceptable for a period in the supply and demand market, with a limited number of clubs moving to include local players, while realizing that the foreign element would be absent in the new season.

The reality is that all circumstances have come against basketball in Lebanon, since the economic and financial crisis has aimed a bullet directly into the heart of a game that originally fought, at least in the last two seasons, to get the necessary funds. to maintain its good image. An economic crisis, perhaps, more difficult than the healthy one with respect to the “Basque” that flourished thanks to the element of money, and raised the level of Lebanese sport in general through its championship, which knew how to use its resources to generate maximum enthusiasm and interest that undoubtedly went beyond the country’s borders.
Today, the common question arises in light of the apparent calm in the Saloui arena: Will the Lebanese Championship be held simultaneously with the return of activity to other sports?
A question that seems to be in place in light of the lack of mobility in most of the work of the Lebanese clubs, as only the Al-Riyadi, Chanville and Hobbes clubs have reported non-compliance in this regard through their I work first to attract new players, renew contracts for their players or negotiate with them a new mechanism in the current circumstances. However, the calm is still great in the different stadiums, since there are no answers about the dates for the throwing exercises or the realization of the preparatory matches, everyone is waiting, but waiting may not be the panacea to the in light of expectations that point to a prolonged period of crisis.
The truth is that many of those responsible for the Lebanese clubs do not believe in the upcoming resumption of activity, although the Lebanese Basketball Federation seemed attached to finding the necessary mechanism not to kill the game by a draw, and the emphasis on more than an occasion to launch the tournament on the agreed date. Obstacles that were faced without him amid the technical stumbling block or financial shortage of the clubs, but in the end the federation faces its responsibility in terms of preparing the environment, which transfers the responsibility to the clubs that are supposed to work online parallel to revive and reactivate the competition again.
“Our position has never changed as we work on the preparation of the match schedule, taking into account the start of the Lebanese Championship on November 15,” said Akram al-Halabi, president of the Lebanese Federation, in a call with ” Al-Akhbar “. He added: “We have secured the budget for the championship through the” Talal Makdisi Foundation “, and therefore there is no factor that could hinder us and stop what we seek, except for the health situation associated with the” Corona “outbreak in the country”.
Al-Halabi stressed that he is in constant contact with the clubs, “and I invite them again through these lines to work to meet at the most important point, which is the starting point of the Lebanon Championship, although we will miss a lot in this season, that is, to the public and the foreign element of course. “
So, until this moment, the championship will take place, although this consideration remains in the words of the curators or on paper, but at least indicates good intentions to establish it, and it is a subject that depends on the evolution and the general situation of the country, although current indicators are largely not reassuring. The word indicators here does not mean only health conditions, but also financial and security conditions.

All circumstances came against basketball in Lebanon, as the crisis aimed a bullet straight into its heart.

The first point may be the most important in light of the lack of enthusiasm from various clubs to pay money and build teams, and it is a fundamental issue in the launch process and making the tournament successful, but the worst part is that Important teams that have completely disappeared, the first of which is Wisdom, and the second is Beirut, in which an official source confirmed that it was done. Paying player fees and disengaging from them, which means that the team named after the capital, which has seen rapid development and presented a distinctive image locally and in the Arab world, will not be there if the tournament begins!
There is also a point that indicates the difficulty of time, which is the migration of players and coaches to find new opportunities abroad, which gives an idea of ​​the magnitude of the difficulties that clubs may also face in convincing certain players to to join them, especially since the vast majority of local players are working hard to find job opportunities abroad within the careers they took at universities.
In practice, it seems that a large number of old clubs are in a tragic situation without exaggeration, such as Al-Hikma, Homenetmen and Nepal Zahle. This does not mean that the conditions of these and others were better in the past, since their conditions were difficult beforehand, but the difference is that in the past it was possible to raise funds regardless of the sources, but the tough financial situation affected all in the country, so the issue of obtaining the required support became very difficult. .
As is known, Lebanese basketball teams relied heavily on the private sector to provide sponsorship, from the two telecommunications companies to banks and commercial companies and other similar institutions that were not opposed at certain times to supporting two or more teams. . This sponsorship has been gradually reduced in recent years, which has left the clubs suffering, which today are undoubtedly suffering much more in their search for a hobby or sponsor to save them from their misfortunes. It adds an important point, which is the inevitable decrease in the economic value of the tournament due to the absence of the public and foreigners, which also means a decrease in the value of the television contract if there is any channel interested in broadcasting matches, an issue that was important for the clubs as they have secured acceptable amounts in recent years that helped them in one way or another.
Therefore, in light of all these indications, the trend may be towards a scenario similar to the Jordanian league in terms of establishing a championship as circumstances allow and with what is available or available, that is, with a schedule of specific and not long matches (to be announced soon), without taking steps greater than the current situation can bear. That is to say, far from the headache derived from the large numbers that Lebanese players were asking for to sign with this or that club.

Many trips to the Lebanese team!
The Lebanese championship is not the only one that is supposed to be back in the spotlight next November, as according to special information to “Al-Akhbar”, the AFC will make the decision to complete the Asian Cup qualification campaign.
This approach will carry with it the decision to hold the next window matches through the group system, and Lebanon’s matches are expected to be in the Indian city of Bangalore, where he will meet with the host and the Iraqi national team, noting that After this window, another round may be held in February 2021, in the same manner mentioned.
According to sources working on the preparation of the budget allocated for the first window, the Lebanese team needs $ 80,000 to play the qualifiers in November, which is the expense of the mission trip to those far away countries and the recruitment of international players from abroad. like Atter Majok, Karim Ezzedine and Joseph Shartouni. In addition, the salaries of technical staff and residence abroad. An amount that, according to the black market exchange rate, currently exceeds 600 million pounds, a figure that is expected to rise in case the value of the Lebanese pound falls further against the US dollar required for travel.
The worst thing is what federal sources have confirmed about the arrest of the main sponsors of the national team, namely “Societe Generale Bank” and “Alpha” Communications Company, the support process, which is an expected and logical issue to the In light of the financial difficulties faced by the different sectors, which leaves the union alone in the sand to ensure “wealth”. Required to travel to the national team.

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