The Lebanese Region “challenges” Corona without masks and a bankrupt hospital!


Amal Khalil wrote in “Al-Akhbar”: The announcement by the mayor of Sidon, Muhammad Al-Saudi, last night, that Sidon is a “Crown ravaged city”, did not negatively affect movement in the streets and markets of the city yesterday. As at the beginning of each month, many from the city and its district and the El Kharroub region turned to markets, banks and official and private institutions to settle their transactions and buy their needs. Many merchants, stalls, vendors and employees on the one hand, and customers on the other, continued their dealings with each other in the almost complete absence of masks, despite the posters that hardly lack an institution and include the phrase “No entry! without mask!”

As of yesterday morning, the cumulative number of wounded was distributed in Saida district (the city and Palestinian camps) among 573 in the Union of Municipalities of Saida Zahrani (16 cities, including al-Ghaziyeh) and 483 wounded in Ain al-Hilweh, compared to 277 recovered and nine killed. But the most dangerous thing is that only in the last days 322 new injuries were registered, highlighting that the city council has allocated a section of its municipal stadium to carry out tests for the PCR Free by the Ministry of Public Health and for the application of ceremonies to wash the deceased with the virus before burial.

The increasing number of injuries is not reflected in the number of people receiving treatment at the Saida Government Hospital, which is the only one to receive Corona injuries in the city, as many of the injured have mild symptoms or do not feel any symptoms. . As a result, stakeholders feel reassured so far that “the situation is being conducted in a curative way. But the worst can be registered in the months of October and November when cases of seasonal flu mix with Corona, and the pressure increases on the hospital, which can allocate its 120 beds to treat only the infected. A source from the hospital clarified that “Government Saida” has received 80 cases since the beginning of the crisis, of which seven died. However, its capacity to receive injuries at the same time does not exceed eight beds in isolation rooms (eight additional beds are currently being prepared) and eight beds in the intensive care unit (four more are being prepared).

Only the “governmental Saida” supports the pressure from Corona in the southern capital, which includes four private hospitals, in the face of a financial crisis suffered by the hospital, which was barely helped by the aid transferred by donor countries after the explosion of the port of Beirut. Before, it lacked gloves, masks and sterilization due to the lack of financial means to acquire them at a high price. In this context, hospital employees today organize a sit-in against the delay in the payment of their salaries for the second consecutive month, despite the decision of the Minister of Health, Hamad Hassan, to spend half of the additional pension for the employees and nurses who follow Corona patients..

It should be noted that there are four government hospitals in the south (Saida, Nabatiyeh, Bint Jbeil and Tebnin), out of 12 in the regions, receiving Corona cases. “While 50 percent of other government hospitals refrain from receiving the wounded with political cover, and 90 percent of private sector hospitals do not consider themselves concerned,” according to a member of the committee on bacterial diseases, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Bizri..

In addition, the Ministry of Health yesterday recorded 1,248 injured out of 13,124 laboratory tests, or 9.9 percent of the number of examinations. Seven deaths were added to the accumulated recorded since February 21, which is 374. In hospitals, 168 injured are in intensive care. It was surprising in the distribution of injuries that 187 cases were investigated in the Jbeil district and 35 in the Sidon district. Regarding confirmed cases, the highest numbers were registered in Al Mina (36), Al Hadath (29) and Saadnayel (25).
