The last debate before the us elections: Trump’s chances are shrinking


Less than two weeks before the election, the final debate between the two candidates, Republican President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden, began on Thursday..

The debate came at a time when Trump desperately needs to change the course of the race, as he lags Biden in national polls less than two weeks before the vote, although competition is much more intense in some states..

A record 42 million Americans have already cast their votes, ahead of the debate in Nashville, Tennessee’s capital, which means Trump’s chances of influencing the outcome of the race may be reduced..

At least 73 million viewers watched the first debate between Trump and Biden, while the president missed the second debate after it was decided to take place on the internet in the wake of his diagnosis of the new Corona virus..

With the launch of the latest debate, Trump defended his administration’s handling of the emerging corona virus crisis and said the death toll could have risen significantly from what they are now, indicating that the vaccine will be ready in a few weeks and the army will distribute it..

He added: “The development of the Corona vaccine is going well and we will have more than 100 million doses.“.

Trump said his administration cannot shut down the country again because of Corona, adding: “We have to reopen our schools.“.The president continued: “We cannot close the country again, and Biden was against my decision to close the borders to the Chinese.”“.Trump said: “The Democratic governors of the states closed them down and caused great suffering to the population“.

While Biden said that the death toll from Corona surpassed 200,000, and that “whoever is responsible for this number of deaths should not be the president of the United States,” he indicates that the numbers are increasing in the United States at a faster rate than in Europe..

Biden explained: “We have not learned to live with Corona as Trump says, but we are dying from the epidemic,” and he opposed opening schools and public places except with a guarantee of social distancing and adequate controls..Biden accused Trump of knowing the extent of the Corona virus movement in January and “despite this, he did not tell the American people about it.”“.

Disclosure of financial information

On the other hand, Trump accused Biden of obtaining $ 3.5 million from Russia, emphasizing that “no one is tougher than me to deal with Moscow.”“.Trump said his legal team is currently working on preparing his tax records, and has made it clear that he will disclose them soon, adding, “I paid millions of dollars in taxes.“.

The US president confirmed that he closed his bank account in China when he decided to run for president in the last election..

On the other hand, Biden said that “any country that interferes in the elections will pay the price if it becomes president, be it Russia, China or Iran.”“.He asked, “Why didn’t Trump make a decision on what was raised about paying money to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan?”“.

Biden defended himself by saying, “I never got money from any outside source or from any country, and I have disclosed my tax records.” And Trump demanded that his tax records be released, accusing him of “getting money from China.”“.

And he continued: “I practiced my job as vice president as my role dictated, and no one else was an inch“.

The debate touched on the United States’ relationship with North Korea, while Trump defended his negotiations with Pyongyang..Trump said that his predecessor, Barack Obama, considered North Korea a “great challenge” and planned to launch a nuclear war against it, but “its leader has become a good relationship with me and will not think of hostile actions.”“.

On the other hand, Biden considered that Trump’s meetings with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “conferred legitimacy on the Pyongyang regime and its bully leader”, as he described it..

Health care

In the health record, Trump said he wants a great health system for Americans and not the “Obama Care” system that does not suit them, in reference to the former president’s program..

Biden stressed that he would not cancel the private insurance companies and “we will make sure that people with chronic diseases are protected.” And he said Americans have a right to affordable healthcare, adding: “Trump did nothing about it.“.

On the other hand, Biden said, “Trump is talking about Democrats and Republicans, but I will be the president of all Americans.”“.

Immigration and minorities

Biden launched a harsh attack on Trump, saying “there is systemic racism in the United States” against ethnic minorities, adding when referring to Trump: “This is the first president to reject integration.”“.

Biden said the Trump administration separated immigrants from their children and “it is not the smugglers who did this,” referring to the current US administration policy on immigrants..On the contrary, Trump said that the Obama administration had taken the wrong immigration policies..

The president defended his administration’s dealings with blacks, saying, “No one has benefited African Americans like Trump. Obama and Biden have done nothing. Maybe they wanted to, but they didn’t. We put a lot of effort into this file.”.

Trump said the borders of the United States are now more secure, noting that “migrant smuggling gangs use children as an excuse to cross.”“.

Climate change

Trump justified his withdrawal from the Paris climate accord by saying, “I will not destroy the American economy for a deal that was not fair to the United States.”“.

Biden considered that the issue of climate change threatens all of humanity, calling for the replacement of fuels by renewable energy sources..

Trump accused of legitimizing a “bully”

On Thursday night, US Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden attacked his Republican rival, Donald Trump, for the “friendship” that the White House teacher built with North Korea’s “bully” leader, Kim Jong-un, comparing this diplomatic strategy to approaching the Nazi dictator. Adolf hitler.

Biden’s attack came during the second and final television debate between him and Trump, which took place in Nashville, Tennessee, in response to Trump’s declaration that his policy had eliminated from the world the risk of a “nuclear war” between United States and North Korea..

The former vice president said, “What did (Trump) do? He gave North Korea legitimacy,” adding that Trump spoke about the North Korean dictator “as if he were his good friend, while he was a bully.”“.

During the debate, Trump praised what he had accomplished at the level of the North Korean docket, recalling that Kim “did not want” to meet with former President Barack Obama or Biden, who was vice president at the time, and accused the two men of having left him with “a complete disaster“.

The president, who is seeking to win a second term in the November 3 elections, stressed that the situation with North Korea has improved during his term, saying: “We are not at war. We have a very good relationship.”“.

Biden replied, “It’s like saying we had a good relationship with Hitler before he invaded Europe.”“.

“The reason (Kim Jong-un) did not want to meet with President Obama is because he (Obama) was telling him that we have to talk about denuclearization. We will not legitimize it,” he added.“.

