The last contact with Jumblatt was stormy, and it is people who decide if Geagea let me down


Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri confirmed, in a televised interview, that “he has no new information on the formation of the government. Today no one has data and all the political parties have said what they have, and we must reign over the ongoing collapse of the bilateral Shiite and build barricades of It is difficult to go back “.

Hariri pointed out that “after the fall of the French initiative, the country was exposed to all the possibilities of security, instability and economic collapse, and many people are talking about the system”, considering that “political parties are not” won “and any constitution that we put together with the mentality that controls the country cannot help. On the success of something, “he explains that” some are using the surplus power to impose equations on Lebanon, and the people reject them, “noting that” Hezbollah and the Amal movement revealed their position on the French initiative, but the financial collapse that occurred exposed all currents. ” Forces and parties “.

He considered that “there are two projects in the country, the first is being carried out by Hezbollah and the Amal movement linked abroad, and there is a project that wants to get the country out of the crisis and free it from the parties, highlighting that the Lebanese citizen is the first In addition to other projects with some bidders on any team. ” He is trying to find solutions, and they are the ones who brought us here, that is, the auctioneers, including part of my previous team and on March 14, “noting that” the duo disrupted the French initiative that could stop the collapse ” He asked: “Is the Ministry of Finance a sufficient reason to stop the initiative? Which French will rebuild Beirut? “

Hariri noted that “French President Emmanuel Macron spoke in his speech about a mistake, then said that Hariri made a decision, then reconciled it with a courageous initiative and expressed his gratitude for it, but in Lebanon he only took the first sentence “. At the same stage we are in today, and then some called me to form a government, and then I said that it can only be a government of specialists, except that the head of the “Free Patriotic Movement”, deputy Bassil, and the head of the “Forces” party, Samir Geagea and the head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, did not follow Saad Hariri’s prayer, and I do not know the reasons, since each of them has an agenda.

He explained: “The basis for me is to solve the problem that has occurred in the country 16 years ago. I presented several names, but the former government ministers had their position, so they formed a government, and they said it is a government of specialists. It is true that it is a government of specialists in form, but the ministers were appointed by the parties. Even this form of government is not “stating that” when we met at the Pine Palace, we agreed that there would be a major government for 6 months and we had a mission to stop the collapse and rebuild Beirut, “adding:” I said this is a opportunity for Lebanon and Beirut, but when I started the naming process, Geagea, Jumblatt and Bassil don’t want Saad Hariri, and I considered myself an obstacle, so I stepped aside, and the team that told me “was pushed to one side, “who is the president of the republic team, asked me to appoint a prime minister,” considering that “the two stick to Hariri as a political game. And just to avoid Sunni-Shiite congestion. “

Regarding his accusation of forming the government of Mustafa Adeeb, Hariri said: “I agreed with Adeeb that there should be no name that provokes any political group, for example the president of the Supreme Judicial Council Suhail Abboud was one of the people that Adeeb wanted, and I told him The name is excellent, but keep in mind that there is a problem with the Free Patriotic Movement. That is, my job was to warn Adeeb not to put provocative names, emphasizing that we do not reject the Ministry of Finance for the Shiite sect, but that any portfolio is the monopoly of any sect. When there was a problem At the Ministry of Energy of the Tammam Salam government, the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, told me at the time that the best solution is rotation.

Hariri stated that “after the United States sanctions, attitudes towards the French initiative intensified and all the positive attitudes that existed in the country after the initiative hardened after the imposition of sanctions,” noting that “I am a candidate for Prime Minister without anyone being beautiful, but I am not like anyone or I threaten. Some of those who criticize and beg me want me to threaten them, but this will not happen. I am the son of Rafik Hariri and my culture of moderation, love of life and science “.

He remarked that “the conspiracy is against the people and not against Hezbollah. Everyone knows that weapons are present and have regional repercussions, and to solve the problem it is necessary to solve the regional problem”, stressing that “nobody demanded disarmament, but an attempt To save the country and propose a change of course is not a crime, is it? ” Was the president of the republic the first to call for a rotation? “And he added:” I did not communicate with the president of the republic, Michel Aoun, and I only sent a message to Bassil to reassure him after his contagion with Corona, “expressing his regret that we wish each other death due to our political differences .

Hariri believed that “the responsibility for the collapse of the country lies with everyone who took over the country at this stage. An agreement with the World Bank could easily be reached.” He stated that “there is no reproach for Berri, but what I want is to tackle the collapse and rebuild Beirut. I don’t want to.” Sparrow Milk, I want to stop the collapse, “considering that” what toppled Hassan Diab’s government was the attack on August 4 and no one else. “

He emphasized that “demarcation of the borders is a very good thing for Lebanon, but it should have started 3 years ago”, considering that “the demarcation issue” is going on “due to the sanctions imposed on some and” the whole world has become a Bedouin protecting his condition. “A country is wasting opportunities from Cedar to Paris 2 and 3.”

Hariri went on to say: “We must make some constitutional amendments, but the problem in the country is not a system problem, but rather a problem of fossilized minds and extremists, and this method of work is not acceptable,” and noted that “there are many questions about the role of the Mufti of the Republic, Abd Al-Taif Derian and Dar Al-Fatwa. ” At this stage, Mufti Derian does not want to be like the others and uses a religious platform in politics, “emphasizing that” if we really want to be wise, we must remove from politics everything that has an income in religion, because that leads to La banning positions, perhaps for an illogical reason, just because a sect is afraid. The only refuge for all Lebanese of all sects is the state. “

He added: “If someone was with me or on my border and their name gave them punishments, God will not return it and I will not cover anyone.” And he considered that “it is unfair that the” forces “make me responsible for handing over Aoun to the Presidency of the Republic, they are an essential part of this arrangement.” It shakes my relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. “

And he considered that “Basil represented a danger for the pact more than Geagea because he followed the logic of canceling others. I am not saying that he is responsible for the collapse, but the differences that they exposed to the government brought us here.” He noted that “some say that Saad Hariri is weak and his heart is good and he sacrifices himself, but is he?” Look what happened in Syria? 85 percent of Syrians are from the Sunni community, where are they now? Certainly I will not be the reason for the Lebanese to suffer what the Syrian people have suffered ”, stressing that“ I work for the interest of the Sunni community and its unity in Lebanon and stability ”.

Hariri added: “I blame Hezbollah for blaming all the Lebanese for the problem that they carried in their heart. But the Lebanese people are not responsible for Hezbollah’s problems. They should let the Lebanese people live,” expressing their conviction that “there is a project”. “He is trying to lead us to a war in the country, and I am against him, not for anyone. I am against weapons and war, whatever it may be.”

He explained that “the Future bloc and I did not present our resignations to the House of Representatives because I do not see that this matter will lead us to early parliamentary elections, especially because there is a team that does not want these elections and has a surplus of power. If we impose them , there will only be by-elections in several regions. ” And there will be a sufficient number for any constitutional amendment and “he tricked you into making amendments.” In response to a question about whether he thinks Geagea will let him down, Hariri said, “It’s the people who decide that,” revealing that “the last contact with Jumblatt was stormy, and it happened at one point.” He was meeting with the French and He asked me to agree to give money to the Shiite community for life. I rejected the order and reiterated my position to restrict any ministerial portfolio to any sect for life. “

Hariri also expressed his fear of “a civil war as a consequence of the collapses that are taking place, and the armed and military attacks that are taking place on Sunni or Christian street and even on Hamra street. What is happening in Baalbek Hermel is the collapse of the State “, stressing that” I am with neutrality and I agree to the proposal of the Maronite Patriarch, the Maronite Cardinal, Mar Beshara Boutros Al-Rahi. But can this be imposed on everyone? This matter needs consensus. “

He stated that “the problem is the lack of a dollar in the country. If we want to solve the problem we have to go to the base, that is, how do we introduce the dollar to the country through the IMF program”, pointing out that “the initiative of Macron is clear about reforms and negotiations with the Monetary Fund. The problem with the Diab government and the actions of this government, “revealing that” everyone agreed with the document presented in Qasr al-Pine, including privatization and taxes, but the question today is whether Hezbollah, the Amal Movement and the rest of the political parties still agree with the French initiative document in Qasr al-Pine. It stated that “if a government supported by Hezbollah is made up of a just color, no one will give us a “frank”.

Al-Hariri emphasized that “the independence of the judiciary is the first rule and the only way to fight corruption. I accept criminal scrutiny, and I will see how I am going to give and each of them is a donor and a benefactor of the people.” , blaming “the 16-year-rule for the financial collapse, not just one person.” He considered that “the intention to overthrow the governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, was for malicious and political purposes, and I am in favor of him remaining in office, especially in a crisis like this. We need Riad Salameh to be present to manage the crisis with the International Monetary Fund, “noting that he” still maintains his stated position by agreeing to hand over the financial portfolio to the Shiite community. “
