The Judiciary Arrests Hamdan … And Diab Asks For Safety To Pump The Dollar! Al Manar TV – Lebanon


Lebanese newspapers published today, Friday 15-05-2020 in Beirut, focused on the order of the Financial Prosecutor, Ali Ibrahim, to arrest the director of monetary operations of the Bank of Lebanon, Mazen Hamdan, accused of manipulating the exchange rate of the dollar.


The Banque du Liban delegation “stabs” the government in front of the IMF: manipulating the lira: who covers security?

NewsAlthough the country has entered a very dangerous stage, the title of which is being negotiated with the International Monetary Fund, the governor of the Lebanese banker, Riyad Salama, behaves as if he were “in the ranks of the enemies.” Instead of assisting in the negotiation process, which primarily expresses the wishes of the class represented by Salama, the latter led a “stab” at the government in the negotiations. On the other hand, the Governor of the “Central” received yesterday an instrument of protection from the Public Prosecutor of Mali, Judge Ali Ibrahim, upon completing the investigation of the case of manipulation of the price of the pound and limiting himself to a “scapegoat” with the rank of director at the Bank of Lebanon.

The suspect entered the investigation room with confidence. He clearly answered the investigators’ questions: “Yes, I sold dollars to two ATMs and bought dollars from the money changers.” The interviewee is Mazen Hamdan, Director of Cash Operations at Banque du Liban. His confidence stems from the repeated response, which investigators wrote in the investigation log, and were informed by the Financial Prosecutor, Judge Ali Ibrahim, which was: “Everything he was doing was based on a decision by the Governor. of the Bank of Liban Riad Salama ” In a similar case, the prosecutor, that is, the prosecutor, had to order investigators to summon Salameh to the investigation and question him about his responsibility for the actions carried out by Hamdan. This is the normal procedure, in any case where the name of a person is mentioned as responsible for an order that violates the law, so how if this matter is dangerous and due to the weight of manipulating the price of the national currency? And what if this violation takes place at the Bank of Lebanon? How, if this bank is a metaphor for an institution that is governed by a person with absolute powers, and that nobody moves without his command? However, Judge Ali Ibrahim decided to conclude the investigation into the Bank of Lebanon’s involvement in altering the exchange rate and stop arresting Hamdan and a former Bank of Lebanon contractor who was the link between Hamdan and two tellers. .

The investigation “demonstrated” that the manipulation of the lira price was planned by a gang of money changers and administered by the Bank of Lebanon. The most dangerous thing is what a high-ranking official said yesterday, in terms of saying that what Salama did is a commercial business destined to achieve the profits that the Bank of Lebanon will use to secure the necessary funds to pay the salaries of the public sector employees and finance the state!

There is a crime committed against the residents of Lebanon, whose income and savings have lost their purchase value, and most of them are on the brink and below the poverty line, a crime committed against the national economy and serious violations of the monetary and credit law that governs the work of the Central Bank. The main responsibility for these crimes is Riad Salameh. This matter is known to the political authority, and is known to the judiciary as well as to the choir of those who desert Salameh. However, there are those who order Judge Ali Ibrahim not to take the investigation and waste the work of the Judicial Police detachment in the southern suburbs of Beirut, and to stop arresting Hamdan and his “partner”. The matter will be presented as an achievement and an “unprecedented coup,” just as a routine investigative matter was filmed yesterday, such as sending a periodic report to the Bank of Lebanon, accompanied by Hamdan, to verify the documents. But the fact is that all this is nothing more than the process of inventing a criminal, to cover his head, which is protected by those who still maintain their position. If the criminal investigation were dropped and it was alleged that Salama “was not involved” in manipulating the national currency, the scandal would be unambiguous: during the Riyad Salameh era, the Bank of Lebanon stepped in to buy dollars from ATMs and sell them, which contributed to the collapse of the lira exchange rate. A scandal, a crime added to their scandals, their other crimes, especially the waste of depositors’ money after turning most of it into wealth in the pockets of friends and security associates, as well as recording losses at the Bank of Lebanon that the planet has never seen (more than 100% of GDP), As indicated in the document prepared by “Lazard” and the team from the Ministry of Finance.

On the political level, Prime Minister Hassan Diab is still determined that Salameh should be removed. He affirmed yesterday, in the cabinet session, that the government will not allow the investigation of the fraudulent lira and the cases of fraudulent fuel fraud to be diluted, and asked the Banque du Liban to intervene to stop the increase in the price of the dollar. This happened after Diab and other officials received information no less dangerous than the case of manipulating the price of the lira. This information comes specifically from the minutes of the meeting held the day before yesterday between the Lebanese (unified) delegation and the International Monetary Fund delegation, as a prelude to negotiations between the two parties on the terms of the program that Lebanon is requesting from the fund.
Not only was the banker to the Governor of Lebanon not intentionally absent from the first session of the negotiation, without any justification, but his representatives who attended the meeting acted out of hostility towards the government, so that the “Central Bank” delegation He indicated that “he cannot evaluate the government’s plan either negatively or positively,” arguing that he “did not share his state.” But what the BDL delegation said to the IMF negotiators is that “the losses of the banking sector estimated in the plan are exaggerated and inexact.” According to relevant sources, the BDL delegation’s performance hurts Lebanon’s negotiating position vis-à-vis the IMF, whose delegation observed clear differences in positions among the members of the Lebanese delegation.
Day after day, security behaviors affirm that it is not limited to jumping above the law exclusively under the pretext of independence, but rather goes against the interest of the state, knowing that the decision to negotiate with the IMF, regardless of its validity or lack thereof, is an official political decision made by consensus of the Council of Ministers, and it is the duty of integrity to comply with it and help in it. Instead, it refrains from providing the state with a careful inventory of the Bank of Lebanon assets, liabilities, gains and losses.

The Bank of Lebanon Monetary Fund: the estimated losses of the banking sector in the government plan are inaccurate

At this time, Salama moved its marketing machine, as the media that benefited from public funds placed under the custody of Banco del Libano began to spread information indicating that “Salama would intervene to defend the exchange rate of the lyre, “knowing that Salama was previously rejecting the matter. He also mobilized the security of all his domestic and foreign relations to defend his position, and began challenging potential candidates to succeed him, as a reason for them to build relationships with Hezbollah. Salama seeks to provide an informational umbrella that he defends in cooperation with the President of the Association of Banks Salim Sfeir, who informs the Banking Control Committee that his bank “Bank of Beirut” is in real bankruptcy and that he highlighted the banks that he is expected to disappear in the first restructuring of the sector.
Al-Salama Alert: Sfeir came after receiving information that US Ambassador to Beirut Dorothy Chia told MP Gibran Bassil when she finally met: “There are US and international financial institutions that should agree with the candidates for succeed Salama “, which means that Washington is not opposed to seeking an alternative to the current governor of the Bank of Lebanon. According to informed sources, French officials have told Lebanese officials that there is a big problem at the central bank.

Major General:
The Judiciary Arrests Hamdan … And Diab Asks For Safety To Pump The Dollar!
The epidemic outbreak threatens to extend the closure … and Hezbollah will expel Basilio and Franjía from the presidential race.

Major GeneralOfficial and health circles expressed their relative satisfaction with the popular response in the capital and the quarantined governorates, in the context of the mobilization of the four days that passed on the first day, despite a wave of counting and anticipation of how face the cases that appeared in some villages in the region (Shaheem – Barja in particular) that required mobilization. And carry out PCR controls to verify the inventory of injuries and stones in the houses during a period of 14 days, in addition to reviewing some procedures with the start of the third stage of the return of the Lebanese from abroad.

In this sense, a member of the Monitoring Committee for Preventive Measures of the Corona Virus and Baabda’s Adviser for Health Affairs, Dr. Walid Khoury, confirmed to the “General of Division” that a mini-meeting of the ministers interested will be held on next Sunday to assess the effects of the closure over a period of four days, indicating that the decision was made in the Monitoring Committee In order to transfer all the results of its positive PCR test to government hospitals in the regions and, therefore, not to continue with the household quarantine in the homes, he said that there is a plan prepared by the Ministry of the Interior, the provinces and the municipalities to guarantee the commitment process of those who come from abroad to stay in their homes. Like those who maintain positive company cases, and carried out an examination, the result was negative, stating that Lebanon was not subjected to a second wave of 19 and that what happened in recent days was the contempt of the citizens and the violation of a quarantine.

He stressed that the important thing is also to monitor the domestic quarantine, and this is what the Monitoring Committee also discussed, as well as the work to prevent mixing, revealing a meeting that will be held today, Friday, in the presence of UNHCR and UNRWA officials dedicated to quarantine centers for Lebanese and Syrian and Palestinian internally displaced persons, as there are 43 unused centers and they will direct the direct access centers. In each governorate, too, international organizations will open two or more centers in areas where internally displaced persons and refugees are present.

Dr. Khoury pointed out that any decision to reconsider the opening of the sectors depends on the evolution of the closing days, knowing that the medical examinations are continuous, stopping at the return of 12,000 passengers before Eid Al-Fitr, and this matter It requires follow-up, explaining that controls were carried out for 8,500 expatriates and they were negative.

Minister council

Corona’s epidemic archive, attended by the Cabinet held in the Grand Serail headed by President Hassan Diab, had three angles:

1 – Do not waste the achievements made in controlling the epidemic.

2 – After an evaluation session for the four-day tests, if the critical points are dangerous, an additional closing period will be extended.

3 – In the event that things are positive, the fourth stage will be applied, according to the current program, starting Monday, 5/18/2020.

In the briefing, the session was devoted to the issue of establishing electricity factories, but also discussed in detail the issue of combating smuggling into Syria, so it decided to confiscate the trucks and tanks that are smuggling their cargo, but that the decision it is issued by decree without the need to amend a law.

After the session, the Minister of Energy said: We agreed on the Memorandum of Understanding with companies wishing to establish electricity plants in Lebanon, with some amendments, with all the details of the agreement and mutual terms. There are companies willing to cooperate. The memoranda of understanding were consolidated into an approved memorandum, and China expressed its willingness to finance. We have a ready-to-use condition book and the work continues in a way that includes the factories in Deir Ammar, Salata and Al-Zahrani.

According to the information, the Memorandum of Understanding to negotiate with the companies to build the factories foresees a maximum period of 6 months, then offers are presented and a report is presented to the Cabinet of Ministers on the results.

And some information indicated that there was a discussion among the ministers about any plants that were established first, and that the Free Stream ministers insisted on building the Silata Factory first, while the Amal and Hezbollah ministers insisted on starting with Al-Zahrani. as it exists and needs to be expanded and rehabilitated while in Silata, the project needs long-term acquisitions at high financial value.

However, the Minister of Rome denied the “brigade” that he had presented any priority and said: he negotiated the companies and presented offers and decided from any laboratory that started, and reported the results of the negotiations to the cabinet and he decided to build any laboratory. according to interest and importance, if he decides to start from Zahrani we start, and if he says from Silatata, we start from Silatata. The important thing is that we start from the fastest offer offered by the companies, knowing that any plant does not give electricity only to the region in which it is located, because the Zahrani plant not only gives the south but to Beirut and other regions, reason why I say that I do not have priority between one plant and another except according to what the companies decide.

In response to a question about the fate of the Zouk and Jiyyeh labs, he explained: I cannot stop a laboratory like the Zouk factory before securing a replacement for it, because that means losing about 400 megawatts, which is approximately four hours powering the current, and that is the case of the Jiyyeh factory. He said: Now he plans to build new factories in the three regions of Zahrani, Deir Ammar and Salata, and we will start with the new factories, knowing that previous cabinet decisions stipulate that.

In response to a question on the subject of the quadrilateral or hexagonal link with the Arab countries or Turkey and Iran, Ghajar said: This is a thorny and complicated and costly material issue and needs study and time consuming despite the fact that it is a practical solution and It ensures electricity quickly, but it needs an in-depth and precise study with countries and many technical and technical measures.

Ajr said after the session: The decision to conclude memoranda of understanding with international companies to build power plants is a very good one and we hope to finalize communications with the companies within two to three months.

Gypsy surprised the council by presenting a book she received from Algeria, stating that if the fuel doesn’t meet the specifications, it doesn’t pay for it.

Information Minister Manal Abdel Samad said the selection should be made on the basis of competition and merit, and revealed that talks were held with the governor of the Bank of Lebanon to inject the dollar into the market.

In the evening, Judge Ali Ibrahim, the chief prosecutor, was reported to have ordered the arrest of the director of cash operations at the Bank of Lebanon, Mazen Hamdan, accused of manipulating the dollar exchange rate.

The arrest decision came after two days of investigations, during which an interview was conducted between Hamdan and several money changers who confirmed, according to the LBCI, that he sold (that is, Hamdan) dollars to these 3,200 Lebanese pounds, according to the price set by the Bank of Lebanon, and they sold it at a higher price … as long as the investigations continue ..

Central bank employees held a general meeting on Monday to discuss the situation, and the “brigade” learned that the trend is to declare a general strike.

The Association of Banks supports the leadership of the central bank, and is also mobilizing to declare a general strike.

Negotiations with the fund.

Going back to the first negotiation session, what happened in the first negotiation session between Lebanon and the International Monetary Fund? A source who participated in the session described it in depth and dealt with the detailed and technical aspects of the government’s financial rescue plan, in which the Fund delegation struggled, addressing all of its components, but did not agree with expectations. on the Lebanese side, which was not unified in the session, but, in my opinion, the first was revoked by the Minister of Finance Ghazi I weigh and who is with him, while the delegation of the Banque du Liban, absent from the governor, Riad Salameh informed the Fund that the bank did not participate in the elaboration of the plan and saw in some of its aspects a conflict with the banking system and the free economy. As for a minister who started the speech in the session, explaining the details of the plan in general and the crisis Lebanon is currently facing, indicating in detail the measures taken by the government to keep up with the implementation of the plan, pointing out the reforms prosecutors that the Ministry of Finance has started and directed to develop the collection of fees and taxes and the structure of the banking sector and the Bank of Lebanon and explaining the mechanism involved With bank deposits for a certain group of citizens with large deposits to pay the debt , noting the government’s insistence on carrying out the required reforms in the government sectors and reducing the cost of the public sector without going into details of what Problems in these sectors recognized under the Aoncep Altkhvasat plan, where the estimated summary of their Lebanon needed help the twenty billion dollar amount so you can I knew Radar your crisis members of the rotating speech of the delegation of the Ministry of Finance and relevant experts and explain each of them within the scope of the elements contained in the plan. The source summarized the responses.

The questions focused on what have been called financial holes in the state’s finances, which are caused by the smuggling of goods and merchandise through illegal crossings on the Lebanon-Syria border, and the weak customs controls at ports and airports.

In a related field, parliamentary sources surprised Abdel-Samad’s announcement of a study project to restructure the Ministry of Information and Public Information, while the current-year budget law that was passed by the previous government and voted on by Parliament without making any amendments, while the current government assumed that its duties included an element that included the abolition of the Ministry of Information within six months.

third level

In the context of the return of expatriates in the third stage, the meeting that followed the third phase, which was held in the Grand Serail, emphasized the 14-day quarantine for returnees and held the municipalities and local authorities responsible for not fulfill their responsibilities of imposing the forced imposition of these.

The third stage started yesterday and continues until the 24th, and a plane belonging to the Middle East landed forty-one minutes yesterday afternoon at the Hariri International Airport, from Istanbul-Turkey, with 124 on board.


Regarding Corona, the Ministry of Health announced that “8 new cases of Corona virus have been registered in Lebanon, including 6 residents and 2 expatriates.”

The ministry indicated that the cumulative number of confirmed cases in Lebanon since February 21 was 886.

The ministry reported that there were 236 cases of cure and 26 remaining deaths, indicating that the number of check-ups performed for residents in the past 24 hours is 1691.

In this context, the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Hamad Hassan, noted that “the medical teams of the Ministry of Public Health have been deployed in various regions as part of a broad campaign to examine contacts of people suspected of having Corona to update the data on the epidemiological reality, and one will inform the government and will be based on what is required. “

The daily report issued by the Hariri University Hospital stated that it had carried out 408 laboratory tests, two positive results and the rest of the tests were negative.

The crisis cell in Shuheem city stated that the number of injuries as of 8:00 p.m. It is three, with today 100 PCR tests for contacts with affected families.

In Barja, Crisis Cell appealed to people to stay in their homes, after registering new injuries in the city.

In Katermaya, a pregnant woman has contracted HIV, which she may have transmitted from her husband, a soldier.


Corona’s pressure eased … and Sunday’s assessment of the measures … the President of the Republic is satisfied with the international climate

“Nationalism” will cling to resistance in memory of Palestine’s usurpation … and Arab intellectuals head to Moscow

Chinese Electricity Funding … and Open Court Files … and God’s Love for “Construction”: Stopping Smuggling

buildingIn a different international climate, which was reversed by the words of President Michel Aoun, the government continues negotiations with the International Monetary Fund. The international climate is reflected in the statement of the International Support Group for Lebanon, according to the President of the Republic and the ambassadors of the main countries. Contrary to what is being promoted, it is mounting with headlines of the kind of pressure to withdraw weapons of resistance or other disabling demands, to justify Lebanon’s push towards collapse. This is what diplomatic sources said is a risk that the Americans, who did not mind taking it into account, still believe it as a hypothesis that may lead to what the West does not want to see with the dissolution of the Lebanese state to the light of chaos, emptiness and famine, since the birth of an al-Qaeda emirate in northern Lebanon. In the Mediterranean, without this implying a US effort to float the Lebanese economic situation. Sources suggested that the Western position in general, and the American position in particular, be open to the premise of accommodation with what Westerners describe as Iranian influence in Lebanon represented by Hezbollah, on the Iraqi path, where a government that enjoys American and Iranian domestic consensus and blessing, and the Americans allowed him to buy gas and electricity from Iran without exposure. To the penal system.

The paths that the President of the Republic speaks of, to take advantage of this new climate, continue to encourage the elimination of files for monitoring corruption and waste, without turning them into politicized responsibility, losing their credibility. In this field, the fraudulent fuel file and the exchange rate manipulation file are still under the spotlight, but ambiguity still surrounds the direction of the two files in terms of the size of the share of political references or balanced names , and prosecutions are still at the level of the third and fourth levels, and the second way is the progress of the government in the procedures that help to Reduce economic and financial pressures. Industry Minister Imad Habibullah revealed to Al-Benaa his initiative to present an invitation to stop all forms of smuggling, in order to protect national production, and the government decided in its session yesterday to confiscate each truck with its cargo, seized in any smuggling operation, and the Lebanese army. It has stopped trying several trucks and tanks Smuggling flour and fuel oil into Syria; Regarding the third way, the Prime Minister spoke about it and its axis is practical progress in the electricity file that drains the state, and forms a black hole that is beyond financial bleeding, since the government’s external credibility It has become an end for this archive, and at this level the government approved an agreement that the Minister of Energy will sign with international companies that agreed to present integrated projects for the management, development and operation of the sector, while the Minister of Energy said that there is interest and will of China to finance electricity.

On the political scene, calls are being made for hundreds of intellectuals to join the alliance that includes Russia, Syria, the resistance forces and Iran, and to protect and strengthen it, and a message to the Russian leadership represented by the Minister of Affairs. Foreign and the heads of the Information and International Relations Committees in the Duma, to demand a ban on the manipulation of this alliance, to control the performance of some Russian media that witnessed offensive positions in Syria, that witnessed offensive positions in Syria, that they witnessed offensive positions in Syria, which witnessed the offensive positions of some Russian media. And offensive to Russia and to friendship and alliance in light of the great victories achieved by joint sacrifices, some seek to infiltrate in the name of the freedom of the media to undermine them, while today is the anniversary of the usurpation of Palestine, and by the way in which the activities and attitudes, and the Syrian National Social Party call to seek resistance as the only option, denouncing the escape policy towards normalization with the occupation entity and the Arab governments conspired against Palestine and its town and its cause.

The Syrian Nationalist Social Party considered that on May 15, 1948, an ominous date in the life of our nation, it affirmed its dogmatic position of principle by rejecting all the paths, decisions and agreements that support the occupation of our land and the extraction of our right.

The party noted in a statement that Palestine, all of Palestine, is our land, our right and the core of our national cause, and that the racist Jewish-Zionist entity is an artificial transplant that has no life on our land in Palestine for a long time. or for a palace. He also emphasized that the danger is that the enemy will commit the most heinous murders and abuses against the Palestinians and will continue to build settlements and Judaize the land of Palestine, especially in Jerusalem and the West Bank, and in full view of the world, after declaring Jerusalem the capital of his entity of violation, adding: “Also, the height of The danger for the question of Palestine is the conspiracy of some Arab regimes, their legislation of normalization with the enemy and their participation in the agreement of the century to liquidate the Palestinian question. This is a dangerous and pernicious role that must be addressed popularly and at all levels. “

The party considered that “the role of the normalization and jogging regimes is now open, and operates in accordance with the will of the Zionist occupation and the colonial states that support it, and it is not hidden that the current and former heads of government, Ministers and representatives in France launched “an initiative to protect Arab countries that are imprinted with Israel. It is a price paid to betray the cause of Palestine. He considered that the significant response to the declaration of the establishment of the Zionist occupation entity in the land of Palestine is to adhere to the resistance as an option and adopt it as the only form of liberation. This is the responsibility of the parties, movements and resistance forces in Palestine and the nation. Furthermore, the response to the conspiracy of Arab normalization regimes is the responsibility of the peoples who must regain their pulse and raise their voices in support of Palestine and its just cause.

The cabinet session held at the government house, chaired by Prime Minister Hassan Diab, witnessed a series of important and firm decisions in more than one file. The council decided to confiscate the trucks and tanks smuggled along with their cargo on the Lebanese and Syrian sides.

After the session, the Minister of Information, Manal Abdel Samad, indicated that, in the context of the general mobilization measures, the government decided to confiscate the materials that are brought in and brought to Lebanon for the benefit of the army and the security forces in the light of the general mobilization and include vehicles and vehicles, not just goods and materials.

This decision was made after asking several ministers to control smuggling at the borders and reviewing the negative consequences of this issue on the Lebanese economy, and the most prominent plaintiff was the Minister of Industry Emad Haballah, who demanded to stop the smuggling in borders in both directions and the confiscation of goods and smuggling mechanisms through them. El amor de Dios por “Al-Bana” indicó que “el objetivo de esta decisión es detener la evasión, el contrabando y las fugas en ambos lados de la frontera”, señalando que “la decisión del gobierno, además de las medidas tomadas por los servicios de seguridad en las fronteras, mostrará una mejora tangible a este respecto”. Agregó que “uno de los objetivos más importantes de la decisión es proteger la economía libanesa y los fabricantes libaneses y controlar el contrabando de bienes, especialmente aquellos respaldados por el Banco del Líbano”.

En el contexto de esto, las unidades del ejército confiscaron en las fronteras norte y este libanesas-sirias, con diferentes fechas, entre el 5/7/2020 y el 14/05/2020, 10 tanques, 2 camionetas y furgonetas cargadas con aproximadamente 215,000 litros de diesel, y dos camiones y 4 camionetas cargadas Con alrededor de 71 toneladas de harina, 25 personas fueron arrestadas y las detenidas por incautaciones fueron transferidas a las autoridades judiciales competentes. Se observó un movimiento intensivo de las unidades del ejército en varios cruces fronterizos.

El Gabinete también decidió aprobar la solicitud del Ministerio de Energía y Agua para negociar acuerdos con las empresas interesadas con base en el Memorando de Entendimiento preparado por el Ministerio después de introducir algunas enmiendas, que se adjuntan a esta decisión, que es una parte integral de la misma, e informar el resultado al Gabinete para que pueda ser Para implementar el plan, comenzando con Al-Zahrani y completándolo de acuerdo con el plan. La información señaló que el Memorando de Entendimiento para negociar con las empresas para construir laboratorios prevé un período máximo de 6 meses, luego se presentan ofertas y se presenta un informe al Gabinete.

Fuentes ministeriales dijeron a la “construcción” que el inicio de las licitaciones y la implementación de la construcción de laboratorios está vinculado a los resultados de las discusiones con las empresas, que se espera que las respuestas de las empresas finales lleguen en un período de 3 meses “, considerando que” esta decisión es un primer paso en el camino para resolver la crisis eléctrica “. Después de la sesión, el ministro de Energía y Agua, Raymond Ghajar, dijo: “Tenemos un libro de condiciones listo, y el trabajo incluirá las fábricas en Deir Ammar, Salata y Al-Zahrani”.

Las discusiones tuvieron lugar al margen de la sesión entre el Primer Ministro y el Ministro de Finanzas con el Gobernador del Banco del Liban Riad Salameh en el archivo de tipos de cambio, de acuerdo con lo que aprendió la “construcción”, ya que el Primer Ministro le había pedido a Salama que tomara medidas prácticas y rápidas para controlar el mercado monetario y controlar a los manipuladores del tipo de cambio a la luz de Las investigaciones realizadas para revelar las circunstancias de las operaciones especulativas y los arrestos que tuvieron lugar y que involucraron a directores de alto y primer nivel en el Banque du Liban. Fuentes ministeriales indicaron a Al-Benaa que “el esfuerzo del gobierno en cooperación con el Banco Central para controlar la especulación en dólares no es nuevo y ha estado sucediendo durante mucho tiempo entre las autoridades interesadas, pero la demora fue del Banco Central para proporcionar respuestas y aclaraciones sobre las preguntas del gobierno”, señalando que “el presidente الحكومة ما زال ينتظر الخطوات التي يعتزم المصرف المركزي اتخاذها بالتعاون مع جمعية المصارف ووزاة الاقتصاد ونقابة الصرافين لحل أزمة الدولار والأسعار في أقرب وقت”.

وفي سياق ذلك، أفيد أن قوة من مفرزة الضاحية القضائيّة اصطحبت مدير العمليات النقدية في مصرف لبنان مازن حمدان الى المصرف المركزي للحصول على مستندات في إطار التحقيق في ملف التلاعب بالعملة.

وأكد رئيس الحكومة خلال الجلسة أن “الحكومة لن تتدخل في التحقيقات في ملف المضاربة على العملة الوطنية بأي شكل، لكن من حق اللبنانيين أن يعرفوا سبب ارتفاع سعر الدولار ومن يتلاعب بالعملة الوطنية ومن المسؤول عن هذا الأمر وما هي خلفية ما يحصل”. وأشار إلى أن اللبنانيين ينتظرون نتائج هذه التحقيقات ونريد استكمالها لنكشف جميع الأوراق، وتنكشف كل أسماء المتورطين”. كما شدّد على ضرورة أن تتوصل التحقيقات في ملف الفيول المغشوش إلى نتائج حاسمة، ومن الواجب أن يتم توقيف كل متورط بنهب المال العام. وأكد أن “اللبنانيين لن يسكتوا عن أي محاولة لتمييع التحقيقات في ملف ارتفاع سعر الدولار وملف الفيول المغشوش. بالتأكيد نحن حريصون على شفافية التحقيقات، ولن نتدخل بها، وفي الوقت نفسه، على كل شخص متورط أن يتم توقيفه. ليس هناك متهم بسمنة ومتهم بزيت. ولا أحد على رأسه ريشة. لدينا ثقة بالقضاء، وسندعم جميع الإجراءات التي تحمي اللبنانيين، وتعطي كل متهم حق الدفاع عن نفسه لإثبات براءته. بالتأكيد، لن نقبل بالمسايرة ولا بالكيدية”.

على صعيد ملف الفيول المغشوش أصدر رئيس الهيئة الاتهامية في جبل لبنان بيار فرنسيس خلافاً لقرار قاضي التحقيق الأول في جبل لبنان نقولا منصور، قراراً بإطلاق سراح مديرة عام النفط أورور فغالي. الا ان فغالي ما زالت موقوفة بناء على ادعاء آخر بحقها صدر عن القاضية غادة عون في قضية التلاعب بتسجيل ساعات اضافية لرئيسة المختبرات المركزية في المنشآت النفطية خديجة نور الدين.

في المقابل رأى وكيل الدفاع عن سركيس حليس الوزير السابق روني العريجي أن “إجراءات عدة انتهكت أصول المحاكمات الجزائية ولدينا ريبة من القضاء بسبب هذه التجاوزات”. وأشار العريجي في حديثٍ تلفزيوني إلى أن “القاضية غادة عون رفضت استيضاح حليس عبر الانترنت”، وأوضح أن “المادة 73 تعطي الحق للمحامي بتقديم الدفوع”، واعتبر أن “المريب الإسراع بإصدار مذكرات التوقيف”.

ونقل زوار رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون عنه لـ”البناء” قوله إن مسار المعالجات للأزمات الاقتصادية والمالية ومكافحة الفساد وملاحقة المتورطين يسير وفق المرسوم وعلى نار هادئة بعيداً عن الكيديات والضجيج السياسي رغم صعوبة المرحلة على مختلف الصعد والتعقيدات السياسية المعروفة في البلد”، وأشار الزوار الى أن “رئيس الجمهورية يعول على الخطة الاصلاحية للحكومة وينتظر أن تقر في المجلس النيابي وتوضع موضع التنفيذ بعد ادخال التعديلات المطلوبة عليها بمشاركة مختلف القوى السياسية حتى المعارضة منها وذلك مواكبة للتفاوض الذي تجريه الحكومة مع صندوق النقد الدولي”. كما نقل الزوار ارتياح الرئيس عون الى “المناخ الدولي لجهة دعم لبنان ومساعدته للخروج من أزمته متوقفاً عند بيان مجموعة العمل الدولية أمس الاول الداعم للبنان وحكومته وخطتها الإصلاحية وما يحمله من مؤشرات ايجابية لجهة الدعم المالي للبنان”. وشدد عون بحسب زواره على أنه لم يلمس حتى الآن اي طلبات او شروط لدى المسؤولين الدوليين الذين نتواصل معهم مقابل الدعم المالي، مطمئناً أن “لبنان لن يسمح المس بحقوقه وسيادته واستقلاله من اي جهة كانت”.

وقالت مصادر نيابية في التيار الوطني الحر لـ”البناء” الى أن “المرحلة الحالية تتطلب تغيير السياسات الاقتصادية والمالية والنقدية المتبعة من قبل الحكومات المتعاقبة لا سيما في ملف الكهرباء”، مشيرة الى أن “موافقة مجلس الوزراء على طرح وزير الطاقة لتلزيم شركات أجنبية لبناء معامل لتوليد الطاقة في لبنان يشكل إنجازاً للحكومة وللتيار في الوقت عينه لا سيما وأننا لطالما سعينا عبر مشاريع القوانين التي قدمناها لحل أزمة الكهرباء، لكنها اصطدمت جميعها برفض وعرقلة من قوى سياسية عدة في الحكومات الماضية”، مشيرة الى أن “الخطوة على صعيد إصلاح القطاع الكهربائي ستؤدي الى نتائج افضل وخطوة تأسيسية وأساسية على صعيد الانتهاء من ازمة الكهرباء والعجز المالي الذي ترتبه على الخزينة”.

ولفتت المصادر الى أن “الرئيس عون يولي اهمية كبيرة ملف مكافحة الفساد وتعقب شبكات التهريب والفيول المغسوش والمضاربة على الليرة أهمية قصوى وهو يمنح القضاء الغطاء الكامل ليقوم بدوره على أكمل وجه لكنه في الوقت نفسه لا يتدخل في عمل هذا القضاء”، ولفتت الى أننا “كتيار مصرون على كشف كل ملابسات ملف الفيول المغشوش حتى النهاية ولن تجرى اي مساومات مع احد والكلمة للقضاء”، مؤكدة أن “القاضية غادة عون لا تتلقى اي تعليمات سياسية وهي قاضية نزيهة تقوم بعملها الطبيعي ومن أكثر القضاة التي تجرأت واتخذت قرارات لملاحقة المتورطين والفاسدين”.

في غضون ذلك، برزت مواقف لرئيس الحزب “التقدمي الاشتراكي” وليد جنبلاط تؤشر الى ريبة من فتح ملفات الفساد ونية لاستكمال مناخ الانفتاح الذي أبداه تجاه بعبدا والمصالحة مع التيار الوطني الحر. حيث كشف أن “الوزير السابق غازي العريضي سيزور الاسبوع المقبل بعبدا لاستكمال نتائج زيارتي لرئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون”، وأضاف: “جاهزون لأي لقاء بين “التيار الوطني الحر” و”الاشتراكي” عند الضرورة”.

وعن مؤتمر رئيس تيار “المردة” سليمان فرنجية، قال جنبلاط في حديثٍ للـ”او تي في”: “لديه معطيات نتمنى ان تدرس ويعطى القضاء حرية التصرف”. وأكد أنه ليس طالباً أي شيء في التعيينات، وقدم سيراً ذاتية لرئيس الحكومة حسان دياب، وتابع: “يبدو انهم لا يريدون أخذها بالاعتبار فلا مشكلة و”آخر همّي”.

وعن زيارته الرئيس سعد الحريري بعد بيان رجل الأعمال بهاء الحريري، أشار جنبلاط إلى أن “زيارته أتت تضامنية كصديق”، وأكد أن “المحاولات المستمرة لتمزيق الشارع السني خطرة ولن توصل لأي مكان”.

وأضاف: “لست خائفاً من اية محاسبة وأنا جاهز في حال المساءلة، لكن ضمن الاطر ومن قبل قضاء مستقل”.

كما برزت زيارة السفير السعودي في لبنان وليد بخاري الى عين التينة حيث التقى رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري.

وكان رئيس الحكومة شدد خلال الجلسة على عدم السماح بتضييع الإنجاز الذي تحقق بمحاصرة وباء الكورونا. ولفت إلى أنه إذا تبين خلال فترة الإقفال الجديدة على مدى 4 أيام، أن بؤر الوباء تشكل خطراً بالانتشار فسيتم تمديد الإقفال فترة إضافية. وخلال الإقفال، ستجري وزارة الصحة فحوصات لمكامن البؤر وتحديد حجم الخطر.

وأفيد عن تزايد عدد الاصابات في أكثر من منطقة، وقد اتخذت قوى الأمن الداخلي إجراءات وتدابير إحترازية، في إطار عزل بلدة شحيم التي تعتبر من كبرى بلدات الشوف والاقليم، بعد ظهور إصابات لعدد من أبنائها بالفيروس. وأقامت قوى الأمن حواجز على مداخل شحيم الخمسة، وعملت على تطبيق إجراءات التعبئة العامة ومنع التجول، وسمحت لأبناء البلدة بالعودة الى منازلهم، ومنعت كل زائر او غير مقيم من الدخول، وعملت على قمع المخالفين وتسطير محاضر ضبط في حقهم. وسيرت قوى الأمن الداخلي والأجهزة الامنية دوريات في بلدات الاقليم، للتأكد من تطبيق إجراءات التعبئة العامة لجهة إقفال المؤسسات والمحال غير المسموح لها وسطرت محاضر ضبط للمخالفين. كما علمت “البناء” أن دورية من فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي حجرت على مجموعة من العسكريين من قوى الأمن الداخلي في ثكنة مار الياس في شرق صيدا وذلك للاشتباه بإصابتهم بالوباء بعد أن تواجد عدد منهم في المحكمة العسكرية في بيروت.

كما أعلنت بلدية مغدوشة أن فحوصات PCR التي اجريت على عدد من المواطنين أتت جميعها سلبية، فيما استمرت القوى الأمنية بعزل بلدة البابلية الجنوبية بعد اصابة عدد من أبنائها.

الى ذلك، استمرت عملية إجلاء المغتربين اللبنانيين من الخارج، ووصلت أمس طائرة تابعة لشركة “طيران الشرق الاوسط” آتية من العاصمة التركية اسطنبول وعلى متنها 124 راكباً لبنانياً معظمهم من العائلات. ووصل المسافرون الى القاعات المخصصة لهم في المطار، حيث تمت الإجراءات والتدابير المتبعة من قبل الطاقم الطبي التابع لوزارة الصحة العامة والأجهزة المعنية في المطار للتأكد من كافة الاستمارات والبيانات وعناوين المسافرين بشكل دقيق.

وأعلنت وزارة الصحة في تقريرها اليومي تسجيل 8 إصابات جديدة بكورونا في لبنان: 6 من بين المقيمين و2 من بين الوافدين. وكان وزير الصحة حمد حسن اوضح قبل جلسة مجلس الوزراء أن “التقييم الأحد سيبنى على أيام الإقفال الأربعة وسأرفع تقريري للجنة الوزارية ويعود لمجلس الوزراء اتخاذ القرار بشأن المراحل اللاحقة”. وأكد أننا “نقوم بحملة ولدينا طواقم طبية في كل المناطق تجري فحوصات على كل المخالطين ومحيطهم”.

Source: صحف
