The Iranian Parliament rejects the agreement with the Atomic Energy Agency and the suspension of the additional protocol as of today – daily Al-Binaa


He said spokesman Basim External Iranian, Happy Promised born, Yesterday, that «Iran It will stop Considering Since Today Implemented Protocol The extra».

و .كد is a «Do not We give Chance New To America to Understanding Between Iran And the agency International للطاقة Atomic, And all What قررناه I arrive within Framework Date Measurements The strategy Cancel Penalties». وشدّد In that «Departure America Since Your isolation Do not Maybe With statements, but Need to me Procedure great And escape On Arrogance».

Promised born set that «organization Energy Atomic Iranian Will clarify Dimensions Technology For a frame Understanding Between Iran And the agency International للطاقة Atomic»، Adding is a «We will continue Our cooperation With agency International Atomic within treaty Limit Since Release Weapons Nuclear».

as such Sketch to me that «Understanding Between Iran And the agency International للطاقة Atomic Understanding Technical, Do not Contrasts With Date Measurements The strategy Cancel Penalties»، dictation that «To invest parties Other to the agreement Nuclear the opportunity Current».

spokesman Basim External Iranian Opinion is a «Have to In Biden that Determine Your position And choose method Between Get away On Legacy Triumph Political, or that Returns to me Politics Management American Previous against Iran والتي Proven Your failure».

According for him, «Have to In Management American New rise Penalties On Iran والعودة to me the agreement Nuclear Before Entry to me bedroom Conversations to the agreement Nuclear One time one second»، Adding that «Attitude Iran Repaired Since Do not Procedure Which talks Before Cancellation Sanctions, But We study Participation America As a guest to Conversations Nuclear Next».

Since His side, Confirmed President Council Shura Islamic Iranian Mohamed باقر قاليباف that «Implementation of Protocol The extra It will stop Completely To start Since day Tuesday 2. 3 February, وسيتم block Which Write Since Access to me Facilities Nuclear Iranian Since Before Inspectors agency International للطاقة Atomic absolutely».

وقال قاليباف to cheep for him, Yesterday, In «Twitter» that «Which Write Since Cooperat Out of Framework Happening Guarantee And the agency to the future Needs According From the article 7 Since Law A decision Since Council Shura».

و .ضاف that «Subject 9 Since Law City Hall Included Implement it Flour».

و .وضح that «Council Shura Islamic Leaving In To stay Full لطفيذ Protocol The extra So the Which Arrival For installations Nuclear Out of Framework Happening Guarantee Forbidden ويد I send Do not Legal and surely control Implementation she Since responsibility Authority Legislative».

و .ضاف President Parliament Iranian, that «لجنة Security Nationalist والسياسة External And commission Energy Expensive Since Before City Hall With supervision Field In Questions Referred to her وتقديم report to This Context»، مؤكداً that «Parliament do not To accept Which Infringement للقانون He will continue Things According For decisions City Hall».

And she agreed Agency Energy Atomic With Iran first Yesterday, In «Continue search Your instalations Nuclear لمدة 3 Months». Vivid Manager Year For the agency International للطاقة Atomic Raphael Grossi, In is a «Done the agreement In Review Regular For understandings Technical to guarantee Research Goals».

Since His side, Dua President لجنة Security Nationalist والسياسة External In parliament Iranian, Mojtaba the the light, government Iranian to me back On the agreement, Which Done Arrive mechanism Yesterday With agency International للطاقة Atomic, In Confirmed Ministry External Iranian that «Date Got up the work By protocol The extra Reach an agreement Nuclear The Implementation لخت Council Shura Islamic».

And that was born Denial Procedure Negotiation directly Between The Republic Islamic Iranian وأميركا ، saying «Do not Health To inform Talks Like the picture Which Announce about her And no Dragged Which Negotiation directly Between Sides».

And in time before, He said Minister External Iranian Mohamed Javad Zarif, is a «Have to In America the work At the other side of Procedures Corrective In Commitment By agreement Nuclear وتنفيذ Your companies An image Impressive»، Adding «there Path unit Toward Forward In order logical: CommitmentActionthe meeting».

و .كّد Statement Joint To Iran And the agency International للطاقة Offspring, that Tehran «To be continue Implementation of The deal Signed With agency International Since without Which Restrictions»، Advisory to me is a «Done the agreement In Follow up Regular For understandings Technology Between Both parts Since Yes Security Since Research Goals».

Since His side, He said Manager agency International للطاقة Atomism Raphael Grossi, Which زار Tehran «We have In calendar Good And reasonable Since Conversations to Iran».
