The importance of lifting the international embargo on the arms trade with Iran and the repercussions.


Thirteen years ago, in the face of international restrictions and pressure on Iran due to its nuclear file, the United Nations imposed a series of sanctions on Iran through the Security Council, the most important of which from a strategic and military point of view was the imposing an embargo on the arms trade with Iran by purchase and sale, and denying it access. From the global market for modern technology and raw materials necessary for manufacturing, in addition to being prohibited from importing and exporting any type of weapons, ammunition and materials used in their manufacture.

However, Iran was able to turn the challenge into an opportunity, confident in itself and its capabilities, and filled in many of the gaps, needs and deficiencies that the embargo decisions created in its weapons structure. However, Iranian creativity in the field of military industrialization and despite having achieved many achievements, especially in the field of missile industry and the development of missile capabilities somehow Surprisingly, it did not reach the full escape level of the repercussions and negative effects of the international embargo decisions on the movement of arms and ammunition to and from Iran, and these measures continued, along with other sanctions on other oil, economic and banking fields that hurt the Iranian economy and set it back and they cause pain. Severe for the Iranian people.

The West has openly justified its punitive measures with excuses of varying essence to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and not building a nuclear bomb, and continued to adhere to this pretext to impose sanctions that, in fact, contain the Arab will to prevent Iran from building. a military force capable of defending the national and strategic interests of Iran, represented in the defense of its region against any aggression, and the defense of its relations and strategic alliances in the region, in particular the axis of resistance against the project Western colonial Zionist aimed at controlling the region and confiscating its wealth, as well as its recent tendency to generate demographic shifts on its map. So that the new demographic landscape is at the service of the project and its future vortex.

Consequently, no one can deny that the decisions to ban weapons and foreign arms trade that were imposed on Iran have had significant negative effects. Iranian creativity and adaptation to it did not reach everyone, and some of them continued to need treatment to stop their negative reactions, despite the fact that the Islamic Revolution In Iran, from the beginning, adopted the strategy of self-armament that liberated it. of the need for a foreign arms market that was held high by opponents and enemies. However, Iran does not comply with the multiple damages caused by the international embargo policy, so it was imperative to advance a policy. It implies the lifting of this embargo and the cessation of those sanctions without prejudice to its basic strategy. The strategy for negotiating the nuclear file was with the main powers that adhere to the world decision, expressed in the 5 + 1 countries, that is, the five permanent members of the Security Council, in addition to Germany.

After eight years of arduous negotiations and meticulous negotiations, Iran was able to reach an agreement with the group (5 + 1) on its nuclear file that preserves Iran’s right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy and provides the counterpart with all guarantees. who wants to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear bomb by dropping Iran accepted strict restrictions on Iran’s nuclear behavior in exchange for a gradual lifting of sanctions, and the agreement received full international legitimacy through the adoption of a Security Council resolution.

Since the agreement concluded in 2015, Iran has been awaiting the timetable to gradually lift international sanctions, especially with regard to weapons and armaments, as this has a direct impact on its military self-defense capabilities and the capabilities of its allies, as well as in the finances of the state and the economic movement.

But US President Trump, from the first moment of assuming power, wanted to spoil the retrograde path of sanctions against Iran, so he abandoned the nuclear agreement, although this was confirmed by a Security Council resolution, trying to block the path of the lifting of sanctions on Iran through the Security Council. .

The American behavior was a severe test for Iran in its foresight and handling of provocative issues, while Trump bet on an Iranian reaction that would leave the agreement and justify the survival of the sanctions, Iran approached the matter with great skill and cunning with clear flexibility, so it adhered to the agreement on the one hand and reduced its voluntary commitments to implement it on the one hand. Another, which suggested to the rest of the parties in the 5 + 1 group that Iran has the power to decide and the courage to take measures that preserve its interests, which made others adhere to the agreement and refrain from following Trump, provoking its international isolation and its failure in the attempt to withdraw from the agreement and maneuvers to stop the path of lifting sanctions.

By 18102020, Iran was in a date with a new era in its relations with the world, an era in which the ban on the trade in arms both in the purchase and sale was lifted, after the Security Council refused to respond to the demands of the United States to extend the embargo on the movement of arms to and from Iran, and more than one country showed its desire to Export arms to Iran or buy them from Iran without going through the American threats of Pompeo, who It falsely considered that the international embargo is still in force and threatens those who deal with Iran with US sanctions without justifying their decision or specifying the reference and the document on which their claim and threat are based, in addition to US arrogance and will. The abuse and aggression that causes the United States to act outside of international law with a bandit mentality.

However, despite the US threat, and despite the expectation that countries will comply with this threat and refrain from dealing with Iran, there are a host of international powers that will circumvent the illegal US threat and establish bilateral relations with Iran. in the field of weapons, which will have a reflection, impact and repercussion for Iran and its allies in the region and the world. And the powers that deal with it are the following:

1- Iran will be able to obtain advanced weapons from Russia, Europe and China, which will allow it to improve its defense capabilities, especially in the fields of air and maritime defense, increasing its self-defense immunity and amortizing the risks of threatening aggression in against it, although it was almost reassuring for those capabilities, but the new reinforcement would completely nullify the effects of those risks and turn the path of settlements and the peaceful understanding that preserves Iran’s interests into the solution and an open path for its opponents face them.

2- Iran will be able to export its military equipment abroad, and this has positive results on more than one level, some of which can be mentioned below:

Strengthen strategic relationships with allies, as well as improve their defense capabilities and build a safe arms cycle with them away from international pressure.

Opening international markets to Iranian weapons, leading to revitalization and the development of industrialization, on the one hand, and the establishment of effective relations with the new world powers.

– Provide financial resources in hard currency, or barter between exported weapons and imported materials without going through the US dollar or being subject to the effects of US sanctions in the financial and banking sector.

In conclusion, we see Iran’s steadfastness and success in breaking out of the isolation of its will by the United States and making the United States the sufferer of the isolation it wanted for others, leaning on the emergence of Iran’s defensive immunity and his allies, he would force the United States to review its policy with Iran after being certain that the military path is almost closed. It is fraught with great dangers and that the path of sanctions that leads to the surrender of Iran and its axis has become useless, and only the last path will remain, which is the search for peaceful solutions that preserve the rights of those who hold them. , so this path will be the only path readily available after the US elections, come what may. Making ballot boxes to govern?
