The impact of “Covid-19” on our dreams … – MTV Lebanon



A new study looking at the effect of “Covid-19” on our dreams found that anger, sadness, and cleanliness are more common than previously reported emotions and themes, as real-world fears appear in the subconscious.

Previous research suggested that dreams are a continuation of waking reality, a long questioned theory about the inevitable nocturnal effect.

Confirming these previous findings, this new research sheds additional information on the impact of social distancing and stricter hand washing practices on our subconscious.

“These findings confirm the hypothesis that dreams of a pandemic reflect mental distress, fear of infection, and significant changes in daily habits that directly affect socialization,” the researchers wrote in a paper published in PLOS One.

They studied 239 dream reports submitted by 67 different people in Brazil, before and after the blockades between March and April, when the epidemic began to spread around the world.

Among the data, anger and sadness were reported as more common emotions in dreams than before, with issues such as hygiene and pollution more prevalent, overall.

Meanwhile, the mention of positive and negative words related to feelings in the reports remained constant, and there was no significant increase in words related to mortality or health in general. The research team says: “The results reflect a collective traumatic experience, as often happens during epidemics, wars and natural disasters.”

It has also reported an increase in lucid dreaming cases, especially around the world during the pandemic, which are suspected to be the result of disrupted sleep schedules.
