The Home Secretary reveals … “This is how the incident happened!”


The Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, Mohamed Fahmy, said in an interview with the “Asas” website that “the regulations of the returnees were notified more than three days after the arrival of the planes, in order to distribute them to the governors , so they would distribute them to mayors and municipalities to follow up on cases in their areas.The incident took place and there were cases of failure.

Fahmy emphasized that he raised the issue with those interested in the emergency committee, and stressed the need to reactivate coordination and cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior immediately and urgently to allow the monitoring of all cases of returnees to inform the municipalities of their regulations in order to be closely monitored and assisted, emphasizing his enthusiasm to follow this issue himself due to its Impact on health security, noting that the Interior Ministry is trying, through of the Internal Security Forces, implement the government’s instructions to impose a state of public mobilization, revealing the lines of more than 2000 minutes of seizure during the last forty-eight hours.

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