The Galilee camp … more Corona injuries


Baalbek Mayor Fouad Al-blog announced in a statement to the National Information Agency that PCR controls at the Palestinian Galilee refugee camp in Baalbek showed a new infection with the emerging coronavirus, with no apparent symptoms , which required their mandatory quarantine equipped by UNRWA Agency within the field.

He called on the people of Baalbek and the residents of the camp, “to adhere to the general mobilization decisions and to the Ministry of Health, in terms of the obligation to move in cars in accordance with the decision of the Interior Ministry, or to spacing out and not crowding, or wearing masks and gloves, and not leaving their homes except as necessary, to preserve public safety, with an emphasis on sterilization mechanisms Especially after the number of people infected with the Corona pandemic increased to 6 cases in the camp overlooking the neighborhoods of the city “.

The blog called on the security forces to “tighten the application of the decisions of the Council of Ministers, the Supreme Defense Council and the relevant ministries, to preserve the safety of people, because the congestion witnessed by the city of Baalbek for Approximately a week on the roads, markets, and supply centers is unacceptable, and many municipal police officers are not enough to carry out this task. ” .
