The Full Story of the Al-Qard Al-Hassan Hacking … Fake Names and Former Employees Involved?


Maysam Rizk wrote in the Al-Akhbar newspaper under the headline “Aiming for the good loan: a new assault on the resistance environment”: “The Israeli Air Force was carrying out a systematic destruction operation over the southern suburbs of Beirut in 2006, which was in part a retaliation against the resistance environment. The branches of the Association of the Good Loan Corporation received their share of the Israeli “profits” and some of its buildings collapsed, as did hundreds of other buildings However, none of its clients and shareholders were forfeited. The deposits of contributions and mortgaged gold remained fully insured. The organization faced the first serious challenge, and then the “association” responded to a new attempt at targeting, placing it on the United States sanctions list, until it was revealed during the economic-financial crisis that has worsened since the end of 2019, the fact that the institution was not affected. On the contrary, despite everything. The attacks against them did not freeze any of their depositors’ accounts, nor did they seek to set financial caps. Those who negotiate with this institution affirm that exchange and deposit operations continued with total freedom, at a time when Lebanese banks withheld depositors’ money and set limits for withdrawals with specific amounts. E, and humiliation of citizens at their doors. It is true that the institution is not part of the banking market, but in the context of providing facilities to its shareholders, it has introduced an ATM service in some of its branches, which has caused some to be “crazy.”

And because war has many faces, including electronics, the “association” was subjected to a very massive cyberattack two days ago. Its perpetrators claimed that it allowed them to lift the financial secrecy of thousands of their traffickers, before posting a video of a group calling itself “Spiders” claiming to violate “Good Loan” regulations. ». The group revealed what it claims is a wide web of names, numbers and budgets for shareholder and client numbers, specifically 2019 and 2020, advising depositors and borrowers to “stop dealing with the association so your fate is not like that of depositors in banks. ” The group promised to release additional information in the next period about the association and other Hezbollah-affiliated institutions. Thousands of telephone messages and “emails” arrived, including a “link” to the association’s page, in which information and “threats” were published indicating that some 300,000 clients had a financial-commercial relationship with the Qard Al Association. -Hassan, approximately 200,000 of them are borrowers in exchange for about 100,000 Consigned.

Due to hacking and information gathering, as stated on the page, “the association is no longer secret and cannot be used as a secret financial haven through which funds can be hidden from the environment and the Lebanese authorities, including banks, tax authorities and legal authorities of the country. By publishing these details, the violations of its shapes and colors committed by depositors under the wing of secrecy that the association grants to its clients, have been exposed to the Lebanese and international authorities. And if your names or details are included in the leaked lists, you should know that you are expected to be the subject of an investigation by the authorities of Lebanon or other countries, and that, depending on your work, you may be subject to examination of agencies of the United States ministries of finance and commerce because of their dealings with an association that has been on the terrorism list since 2007. ‘
While the association minimized the risks of the operation carried out by “hostile parties”, it said in a statement, and emphasized the work to protect the accounts, “Al-Akhbar” learned from informed sources that “the investigation is ongoing. course, while the party behind the attack is not yet known. ” . Although the course of the investigation is surrounded by great secrecy, the sources said that “the relevant authorities are studying two possibilities: either the attack was carried out by external intelligence agencies, or that former employees of the association participated in the cooperative operation. with local pirates. ” As of yesterday afternoon, the attack on the business system continued, which made it impossible to determine the size of the breach and the information that the attackers had in their possession. And it is said that the association is not the only one that has been the target of attacks and hacking attempts, but that there are several institutions revolving in the orbit of Hezbollah, making it more likely that the attack was coordinated by external intelligence agencies. The sources pointed out that “the published data is not entirely correct, as there are false names and numbers”, noting that “the attack is huge and programmed and has started since last Saturday.”
In the political context, the attack on the “Al-Qard al-Hassan Association” was attacked by messages that assaulted the resistance and its followers in Lebanon. In probability, the scale is likely to be the inability to separate what happened from the American punishment that previously hit Jammal Trust Bank for providing financial and banking services to Hezbollah-affiliated institutions. It has become clear that the stick of US sanctions is expanding, with the existence of a willingness to reach out to institutions affiliated with the resistance by whatever means to hit it, raising – from the point of view of the US administration – the level of tightening the screws to Hezbollah and its surroundings, in the course of the open confrontation. Press here.
