The French prime minister speaks of a “clear deterioration” and rules out imposing a “generalized quarantine”.


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French Prime Minister Jean Castex has ruled out imposing a “generalized quarantine” on the country to contain the Coronavirus outbreak, although the outbreak of the epidemic indicates a “clear deterioration”. Despite the high number of victims, Castex said, “we must not stop our social, economic and cultural life.” This announcement came amid an unprecedented rise in coronavirus infections in France and the classification of 42 provinces in the country as “red” regions in terms of the outbreak of the epidemic.

Announce French Prime Minister Jean Castex Friday what a twist Spread of the coronavirus In the country it indicates a “clear deterioration”, while discarding the idea of ​​imposing a “generalized quarantine”.

“The severity of the virus has not abated and will continue for a few months,” Castex said. “But we have to be able to live with him without going back into the logic of general quarantine.”

He believed: “We must not stop our social, economic and cultural life”, despite the high number of victims.

Castex’s words came at the end of a Defense Council meeting dedicated to managing the Covid-19 epidemic, which is witnessing a new record in France, raising concern.

And 42 French provinces have been classified as “red”, that is, where the virus is very active, according to Castex, at the government headquarters, where he isolates himself after meeting the director of the Tour of France, who tested positive for the virus .

The general situation in the country raises growing concern, with the number of cases registered in recent weeks steadily. About 10,000 new infections were registered in 24 hours, according to data published by the Public Health Authority, with a record number on Thursday since the start of the pandemic and the adoption of large-scale tests in the country, with 9,843 new cases.

France 24 / AFP
