The French initiative did not drop the best of leaving politics if all parties resorted to arms


Prime Minister Saad Hariri stressed in an interview with the program “The time has come” that “the French initiative is not over”, noting that “every time we sacrifice ourselves and others take advantage of this matter.”

He said, “I sacrifice myself because I reject emptiness.”

And he considered that “if I, like others, wanted popularity, I would have done what they do, and I did not offer initiatives and sacrifices. I am in favor of Lebanon and the Lebanese citizen, and my objective was the success of the French initiative.”

He noted that “for 16 years, Rafik Hariri was martyred, and I entered political life and completed the march, but I am not responsible for all the deterioration that has occurred.”

He remarked that “whoever possesses the surplus of power uses it to impose equations on the Lebanese,” considering that “the Lebanese system is good, but the mentality with which things are handled is not good.”

And he considered that “there are parties that impose the matter by force of arms.”

He believed that “in the country there are 3 projects, the Hezbollah project and the Amal movement linked abroad, and a project that wants Lebanon to get out of this crisis and works on the principle of Lebanon first, and a project of the bidders that they brought the country as we are. “

He explained that “I do not have regional data on the timing of this perspective, but everyone spoke and I have not yet discussed my position,” and noted that “I wanted to speak today because after what happened with the French initiative, Lebanon was exposed to all the directions”.

Prime Minister Hariri emphasized that “the French initiative wanted Lebanon to succeed and get it out of the impasse, and I don’t know why they failed,” stating that “I gave in in the interest of Lebanon and the Lebanese citizen and wanted the French initiative to succeed. , and that’s why I agreed to give up the financial portfolio recently. “

He said: “I said about the French initiative that it is an ‘opportunity’ for Lebanon!

He noted that “when I agreed with the Shiite finance minister, I said once to try to make things work,” noting that “French President Emmanuel Macron praised the initiative we had taken.”

He explained: “I was accused of forming the government of Dr. Mustafa Adeeb, but my job was only to warn Adeeb not to name people who provoke any political team,” and noted that “we agreed in Al-Sanawbar Palace that they political parties would resign from this government and would not interfere in appointing ministers and making room for the new government. ” To be completed and rebuilt. “

He stressed that “from the moment we nominated Mustafa Adeeb, many people began to criticize him, and the unfortunate thing in the country is that there are those who began to commercialize photos of him in partisan and other meetings, and those who obstructed the issue.”

He continued: “The same person who put photos of Mustafa Adib with party flags came back and put his photos with the Lebanese flag after the apology.”

Hariri said: “Prime Minister-designate Adeeb asked me if we were willing to change the French initiative, and we said that no one would agree to change the name of politicians in government.”

He stressed that “after the US sanctions, attitudes towards the French initiative intensified.”

Regarding rotation, Hariri explained that “the issue of moderation became sectarian, sectarian and strategic, and President Berri was the one who proposed the principle of rotation previously in the Tammam Salam government when the crisis of the Ministry of Energy occurred. and we reject any sect that monopolizes any purse. “

He added: “I resigned in October 2019 and when I resigned, we were in the same stage that we are today, and some said that it is preferred to form a government. I said at that time that I would not form a government unless it was specialists, and the way The previous government was made up of “specialists” brought in by politicians.

Hariri emphasized: “I am a candidate for prime minister without Jamila anyone, but I do not threaten as others do.”

He revealed that he had contacted “Gebran Bassil to check his health after suffering Corona.”

He noted: “I do not want confrontation with weapons, and we are witnessing demonstrations on the ground here and there, and the protests have reached Ashrafieh. We are not going to an unknown place, but we know very well where we are going.

“If the time comes when all the teams take up arms, then I’d rather leave politics,” he said.

He remarked that “the issue of demarcation should have started 3 years ago, which is good for Lebanon,” noting that “it has been punished for some, and everyone has become a Bedouin who protects the road that the issue of demarcation “.

Regarding the Sunni community, Hariri noted that “there are many questions about the role of Mufti Darian and Dar Al Fatwa at this stage. His Eminence the Mufti does not want to use a religious platform for political interference, and if we want to be wise and reasonable , we must neutralize our religious affairs from our political affairs, especially in this scenario. “

He said: “We do not want foreign projects to waste this country, and this is the history of the Sunni community, and the only incubator for all sects in Lebanon is the state and its institutions.”

As for regime change, Hariri considered that “some constitutional reforms must be made, but the country’s problem is a matter of mind and parties, not one of order.”

Regarding the relationship with his brother Bahaa, Hariri noted that “Bahaa, my older brother, I love and respect him, and I am not talking about the family, and my shame is Bahaa. If I see him, he will be blessed with Edo, and Hida Saad Hariri and a dot on the line. “
