The French ambassador affirms her country’s desire to form a Lebanese government facing difficult circumstances


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Beirut – “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”: two days after the speech of the Maronite patriarch, Cardinal Bishara Boutros Al-Rahi in Bkerke, the Future Bloc delegation in Parliament supported Lebanon’s neutralization of external conflicts, as part from a tour of spiritual references that began with the Mufti of the Republic Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian and supplemented by the Sheikh Aql of the Druze community, Sheikh Naim Hasan, before including the Shiite Islamic Supreme Council at a later time.

The delegation of the bloc to Bkerke was headed by the deputy Bahía Al Hariri, and last Saturday the issue of the demonstration and the issue of the formation of a government were discussed after the initiative undertaken by the Patriarch in an attempt to build bridges between the president Michel Aoun. and President-designate Saad Hariri. After the meeting, MP Samir Al-Jisr said on behalf of the delegation: “We put his happiness in the atmosphere of the efforts that Prime Minister Hariri is making to form the government as a result of foreign contacts, and we confirm that he he is determined to form an important government of independent specialists who are known for their competence. We informed him of what Prime Minister Hariri had touched on his intention to help Lebanon as soon as a specialist, non-partisan government is formed, as he toured countries to explain the issue of Lebanon and prepare for the issue of aid ”, added. , “In government affairs, we don’t cut hope. Al-Jisr stated: “We have renewed our support for the ‘Baabda Declaration’ completely and neutralize Lebanon from external conflicts, in the interests of its supreme interest and civil peace, except for questions of Arab consensus and the Palestinian cause.

The Future Bloc movement coincided with the reception of the President of the Republic, Ambassador of France Anne Gryoux, who carried out with him a tour of the horizon, which addressed “current internal developments and Lebanese-French relations and the means to develop them in all fields. The investigation addressed “the government crisis and France’s desire to find quick solutions that lead to the formation of a government that faces the difficult circumstances the country is going through.” It was stated that “France supports Lebanon to help it overcome the crisis it is going through, especially because the Lebanese people deserve to live in peace and in better social and economic conditions.”

In a parallel line, the political bureau of the Amal Movement implicitly criticized the Pact and the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Deputy Gebran Bassil, and renewed the urgent call to avoid political auctions, to raise constitutional and legal problems, and to accelerate the completion. of the formation of the government to face the inevitable collapse of the economic and social situation, and its reflection in the stability The security forces, which will not leave at stake any party or a role to achieve their own interests as a result of this collapse, and its most prominent manifestation today is the unprecedented chaos in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Lebanese pound, its crossing of all borders and its reflection in a crazy rise in prices far from any real supervision by the ministries interested.

Mufti of Mount Lebanon

In the framework of the positions of support for the speech of the pastor who revived the popular uprising, as announced by the Mufti of Mount Lebanon, Sheikh Muhammad Ali Al-Jouzo, who praised what he called the “historical position” of the Patriarch, considering that he “He spoke in the language of all Lebanese without discrimination, and he said it with his mouth full, Lebanon is neutral, and will not be part of the conflicts in the region, which destroyed many Arab countries in the service of the project, which ignited the struggles sectarian and sectarian between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.

The Block of the Future does not cut off hope and renews Al-Raei its support for the neutralization of Lebanon

Al-Jouzo added: “The Arab Patriarch said his word, Lebanon is Arab and we will not neglect its independence and identity in the service of a team that takes Lebanon to a place that is not related, neither closely nor far, with the interests of the Lebanese people, and we will not be with any country that attacks Arab countries with their missiles, especially those with which we have relations. Brotherhood, which stood alongside Lebanon in all critical circumstances, such as Saudi Arabia, which built villages and towns in southern Lebanon after the July Israeli aggression against Lebanon in 2006. Lebanon maintains neutrality with respect to all countries Arabs, and instead of launching missiles at Israel, Iran launches them on Islamic sanctities. “

He continued: “We are with Patriarch Al-Rai, facing the enemies of Lebanon and the enemies of Arabism in Lebanon, because those who claim to be the protectors of Christians in Lebanon are trying to sell Lebanon to a fighting country. against the Arabs and works to make Lebanon a military base against the Arab nation, and against the Arab brothers, under Christian cover. They conspire against the Christians themselves, so the head of the Maronite Church in Lebanon came and declared his rejection of this agreement, which aims to declare war on Lebanon as an identity and entity, to be replaced by a non-Arab state. , to drag Lebanon to destruction, ruin and bankruptcy, as is the case now.

“Meet Our Lady of the Mountain”

Also, the “Meeting of the Lady of the Mountain” in its periodic meeting, which was held electronically led by former MP Faris Saeed, confirmed that “the crowd that embraced Bkerke last Saturday formed support and joined her”, and saw in it “a call to put a finger in the wound so that we can organize our priorities as Lebanese” He said: “It is true that there is rampant corruption parallel to the economic, social, health and moral crises, but the most correct is that Lebanon is under the Iranian occupation represented by “Hezbollah” and its weapons with a suspicious silence from the majority. of the Lebanese political class. Therefore, the initiative of the Maronite Patriarch came with his national narrative to support the sovereign resistance to this occupation.

The meeting noted that “the obvious truth is that Hezbollah’s weapon is the party in command, regardless of who sits in this or that chair. Therefore, it is required, with the urgency of national leaders, to join the battle. to liberate Lebanon peacefully and democratically from this occupation, and restore the balance of the formula, since Lebanon is governed by the force of balance and not by the balance of power, “he called on” all Lebanese in the diaspora to rally around Bkerke’s national stance and participate in the battle to restore Lebanon’s independence. ” He also called on “the security services and the Lebanese army to reassure the Lebanese about the fact that Hezbollah is using buildings and schools in towns and cities as warehouses and bases for its weapons, given the serious danger that this matter represents for the Lebanese. citizens “. “
