The political body of the Free Patriotic Movement held its periodic meeting electronically headed by the head of the movement, Gebran Bassil, and issued the following statement:
The period specified by the Qasr al-Pine meeting ended two weeks ago and the expected government has not yet been formed.
– The body politic confirms that the movement continues, with conviction, its facilitating and positive role for the birth of the mission government, but warns that any party understands this facilitation nonsense or thinks that it is a kind of weakness, since the movement contributes to the solution from the position of its popular strength and its parliamentary legitimacy. And it is never willing to abolish itself politically, and it will not allow any attack on its affiliates or supporters or its headquarters and will respond appropriately to each case.
The authority renews its commitment to the rapid establishment of a government that respects unity of standards and is capable of being productive and working effectively to achieve the required reform program.
And it confirms that the movement offers advice and has not set conditions and has no demand; However, he refuses to consider any facilitation by him for the birth of government as a consecration of any custom that can validate any ministry for any sect or group. Rather, it suggests, in this sense, an experiment in the distribution of ministries known as sovereignty over the smaller sects, specifically the Druze, Alawites, Armenians and Christian minorities.
The commission considers that the most important criterion at this stage is not the minister’s sectarian and political affiliation, but his enjoyment of the morality, ability and experience to achieve the agreed achievement.
– The political body refuses that any party impose its signature on the Lebanese outside the constitution, customs and principles, or that any other party impose on the Lebanese the names of all government ministers until it has a representative majority or a authorized majority. Consequently, the commission confirms that with the Free Patriotic Movement waiving any lawsuit and facilitating government formation to preserve the financial and economic bailout opportunity available to Lebanon, it is not subject to any external pressure or threat of sanctions, but rather more. well to the desire of the Lebanese to seize the rescue opportunity, and yet they will not accept authoritarianism. A team for all Lebanese, regardless of their strength or whatever their strength abroad.
Even if the current renounces its role in the formation of the government, it will not renounce its role of representing those who represent it, and it will not accept the inequality among the Lebanese, nor will it accept to avoid the association of the President of the Republic in the formation of the government , and will not accept to be imposed on the pretext of the pressing situation unless it is accepted under Security and political pressure.
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