The “Free Patriot” talks about something dangerous


The political body of the Free Patriotic Movement held its periodic meeting electronically, and issued a statement in which it declared, “its rejection and response to any behavior aimed at paralyzing judicial work in general and specifically preventing it from completing the crime investigation course of the attack on the port of Beirut to discover and prosecute the perpetrators. The commission, in return, rejects all discretion, targeting or transgression by the Judiciary and calls for due process to oppose any violation of the law committed by the judicial investigator.

And she says: “We refuse to harm the position of the prime minister and any other constitutional position, and we also refuse to accept any party in any sectarian constitutional position to protect itself from responsibility for any perpetration or corruption, starting with the post of The presidency”.

The commission adds that “resorting to sectarian and sectarian mobilization to respond to errors or failures constitutes an insult to the victims of the explosion and a fractional approach to a crime that afflicted all Lebanese without discrimination and dealt a severe blow to Beirut and His town”.

He noted that “the use of sectarian and sectarian protection to stop the course of the investigation is a dangerous business, and the movement considers that the most forceful defense of the resigned Prime Minister Hassan Diab is to reject the discretionary approach that he faced, as it has dealt with many ministers, state employees, general directors, heads of security agencies, judges and others who have neutralized what is required of the investigator. ” Al-Adli to expedite his investigations and demonstrate the possible transparency and clarity necessary to have the confidence of the public opinion and to demonstrate the necessary integrity, objectivity and fairness.

The Authority asks “to accelerate the issuance of a report that allows insurance companies to pay what they owe to those affected.

The body politic appeals to wise judges, who are a balanced group, to rectify matters and lock up the ongoing political attempts to use some of their colleagues in files that are moved by malicious hands, unprincipled and for purpose. open, with the aim of breaking the prestige of the judiciary and abandoning its role as an escape valve to achieve justice, persecute the corrupt and fight corruption, and lift the injustice inflicted on the Lebanese, whose lives and properties were injured, their money was looted and the way is being blocked from any scrutiny or investigation to uncover the truth of its fate, but discretionary attempts are being made to divert attention from the money verification and recovery battle by opening up the last side fronts.

The political body looks suspiciously at the fluctuating course in the government formation process and wonders if there is a real will to form a government capable of implementing the task of reform, fighting corruption and restoring trust in the state.

The commission considers that “awareness of the dangers should motivate those who have delegated responsibility to do their utmost on the path of salvation and show the spirit of cooperation and respect the principles of constitutional association in the composition process, not aim to the de facto composition to evade its responsibility, with full awareness on its part that the Constitution of Lebanon does not allow anyone Neither composition nor confidence to form only one government.

The commission praises the initiative of the “President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, to present a proposal for an integrated government based on clear rules and principles that help to accelerate the formation of the government without allowing himself to propose or impose names on all Lebanese and on behalf of all Lebanese. “

Calls for a return to constitutional principles in the government formation process in a way that preserves national balances and national association, especially the association of authorship between the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, and hopes to accelerate the completion of the composition before the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron so that his focus is not on the question of government formation, which is a sovereign matter for the Lebanese. Rather, its focus will be on how to benefit from French support for the government in order to implement the reforms that are required to salvage the Lebanese situation.
