The founder of “Telegram” announces “the largest digital migration” in the history of the Internet


The founder of the “Telegram” application, Pavel Durov, announced that the number of users has recently increased significantly in his application, noting that he and the users of this application are witnessing “the largest digital migration in the history of mankind” .

On this issue, Dorov said: “The rise in popularity of Telegram has led to the emergence of channels for the leaders of two other countries in the application, namely Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, as these two leaders joined a long line of politicians, including the presidents of Mexico, France, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Taiwan, and ministers from Singapore, Ethiopia and Israel. “

“It is an honor for us that political leaders and public organizations trust Telegram to combat misinformation and spread information about important issues in societies,” he added, describing its application as “the only reliable way for community leaders to communicate. with its audiences, as the application does not use opaque algorithms to display content to subscribers. ” .

On January 12, Dorov announced that nearly 25 million new users joined Telegram in just 3 days. This increase is very large, with the increase that occurred last year, when about one and a half million users joined the application per day.

According to expectations, the sudden rise in popularity of “Telegram” in the United States may be due in part to the fact that the giants of information technology and applications in the United States have banned the accounts of current President Donald Trump, through their networks, in addition to the fact that the United States has suspended the famous Parler network there, on the eve of this suspension. There were invitations to join the Telegram application.

On the other hand, the reason for users to switch to “Telegram” may be the new privacy policy recently announced by the organizers of the famous application “WhatsApp”, which angered some of them.

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