The forces and Hariri exchange charges … it is enough for the quotas, and we are at the bottom of the void


Former Minister Richard Qayumjian tweeted today, Sunday, November 8, in response to an attack by “Future Movement” Secretary General Ahmed Hariri on “Lebanese Forces”. Our only bet is an important government of independent specialists who are not subject to the will of political leaders. The only agenda of Ma’arab and Samir Geagea’s project is to build a real, modern and corruption-free state. It would be nice if they really went on the lookout for those who associate with them in the project of state disintegration, dividing their shares and their dominance. Hezbollah be with her. Oh God, remove the injustice of those who are close to us. “

Ahmed Al Hariri attacked
Ahmed Hariri had published a series of threats attacking Lebanese forces, which he said were “operating in the line of attack against President Saad Hariri, and are administered from Maarab, from Hasbani to Qayumjian, from Siddiqua May (Chidiac ) to the location of Main Qada “.

Hariri added: “To all the voices that are betting on the void to reach a chair in Baabda, we say: We are a force at all times and places, and fake news will not change the truth at all. Samir Geagea can dream of presidency and ask the impossible to arrive. But he will not dream of signing us. ” Maarab’s agenda, both political and non-political, and we will be attentive to any project that leads Lebanon to disintegration, division and ruin. “

The troops respond
The press department of the Lebanese Forces party issued the following statement: “Mr. Ahmed Hariri surprised us with a series of tweets outside the national context of the events. And to clarify things, we affirm the following: First, we wish you, Mr. Ahmed, if you could show us a statement to the forces. Prime Minister Hariri attacks, and indeed what the ministers and deputies of the former and current forces are doing is confirming our position, which represents the overwhelming majority of Lebanese, including the base of the Future Movement in particular, in terms of that there is no salvation from what we are, except with a completely new government formed on diverse and powerful bases of the quotas that were being made in the past. “

The statement added: “The quotas in new aspects does not mean that it is not a quota system, while the result will be as we have seen it with the government of President Hassan Diab. In any case, we only judge the results. It is confusing the political position that each party is entitled to adopt based on its national and political convictions, and the attack on Prime Minister Saad Hariri, which did not take place at all. Not everyone who took a political position that does not fit his political position means that he attacked Prime Minister Hariri. It is the agenda for the establishment of a strong republic free from weapons and corruption.

Regarding the accusation of the forces that they are betting on the void to reach a chair in Baabda, he asked his statement: “Tell us, by your Lord, are we living fully now? Today, and if Jaha had really dreamed of the presidency, his political position would have been completely different from today and forever. Had he dreamed of the presidency, he would have shown adherence to the principle, specifically to President Saad Hariri, who is the second largest parliamentary bloc. Geagea needs him and others to do it. Reaching the presidency of the republic, while Samir Geagea takes the clearest positions, adheres to popular demands and distances himself from the laws of the political game from above, accusing him of seeking the presidency is absolutely void.

Finally, the statement indicated that Hariri “decided to put his hand back to the ruling trio. This is his business. But we are not entirely convinced of this experience, and he is not allowed to pay us the price of this sentence.”
