The first world … Corona kills 80,000 souls in America


Source: Dubai –

As some countries in the world tend to ease isolation measures and gradually exit closures, the United States is busy counting death tolls for the country’s new Corona virus, which crossed the 80,000 mark on Monday, according to a new census published by Reuters.

In the past few hours, the United States has reported 776 additional deaths from the epidemic, and according to Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins University, there are 1,329,072 HIV infections in the country.

Despite the increase in injuries and deaths, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, is trying to move the economy, which has stagnated for weeks due to illness, easing isolation measures and gradually lifting restrictions on closings. .

However, this step ran into many obstacles. While the president’s economic advisers advocated for the relaunch of the United States economy despite the continuation of the Covid-19 epidemic, other experts warned that lifting the stone in many could lead to the spread of the epidemic.

Crown in AmericaCrown in America

A second wave of infection.

In turn, the World Health Organization on Monday called on countries to gradually open with extreme caution. The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Gebrysos, said that lifting the general isolation measures “slowly and gradually” is necessary, noting that the increase in the number of Coronavirus infections in South Korea and Germany has raised global concerns about a second wave of infection.

Crown in AmericaCrown in America

He also added in an online press release that “lifting public isolation measures is complicated and difficult,” adding that Germany, South Korea and China have systems that allow them to respond to any further increase in the number of injuries.

Big steps to facilitate closing

The US administration USA It was not the first, as governments around the world try to solve the dilemma of reopening their economies as the virus continues to be contained.

    Crown - America Crown – America

In Europe, the most affected continent in the world, Spain, France and Italy have made great strides to facilitate closings, while Britain has announced more cautious measures.

Corona is from AmericaCorona is from America

Also, last week saw the worst unemployment figures since the Great Depression.

With the registration of new infections, the United States will have reached 80,000 deaths from coronavirus, making it the first worldwide for victims of the epidemic.
