The first day of the urban school year: “Better than expected”


Beyond the confusion related to the presence of schools, teachers and students in “red” areas, the first school day left a pleasant impression on the ranks of teachers and students and their families, especially with regard to precautionary measures. and preventive health that are taken in public and private secondary schools, or that arrived as a minimum that is “better than expected”, given that Al terror that preceded the opening of schools and the beginning of mixed education. However, managers, teachers and parents came out to say that it is difficult to assess the reality of urban education from day one, especially since yesterday everyone was under the microscope and the eyes of the cameras, and the lesson is stability and continuity, especially after students enter other educational years.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, 677 public intermediate and secondary schools out of 1235 schools opened their doors yesterday, and the attendance rate of students in ninth, second and third secondary schools in open schools ranged between 65% and 100 % according to regions. In the Southern Governorate, for example, 9 schools located in closed areas were closed and two were forcibly closed because teachers lived in quarantined areas, while 85 schools were opened and the overall attendance rate reached 70%. In Akkar governorate, the minimum attendance rate was 74% and participation in some schools reached 100%. It should be noted that this percentage refers to the first group of students (Group A) that attends this week in attendance, while the second group (Group B) attends the next week, highlighting that the assistance education ends at 12:15 p.m. late every day.
Ministry sources indicated that they heard positive words from principals and teacher associations about the commitment of students to the use of masks, social distancing and the attendance rate of teachers, and registered some observations related especially to school transport, which will seek to approach with the Ministry of the Interior. It is also possible to consult with the Ministry about the transfer of some teachers from the “red” areas to their schools in specific cases.
Ali Tufayli, an economics teacher at Shmtatar Official Secondary School, was surprised by the students’ commitment to health measures, as they did not require much intervention from administrative and educational bodies. He considered that the beginning was “acceptable despite the caveats”, hoping that “we achieve for our students in formal education, most of whom are poor, the minimum level of equality of opportunity with their peers in private education.”
Privately educated Justice also referred to Naameh Official High School philosophy teacher Abeer Cobrosli. He wished the ministry had delayed the academic year in both private and formal education, as long as the curriculum was cut in half and could be completed in 4 months, provided this was preceded by actual teacher training in The online educational platform to avoid the serious disparity between the two education.
As for Al-Bizri Public High School teacher, Abdo Shehitli, the issue lies in the structure of the school and its ability to implement the procedures of the health protocol, “and the evaluation is positive when the classes are large and typical, As is the case of our secondary school, in addition to a complete fund capable of ensuring the needs, and we have arrived like all schools. From the Direction of Orientation and Orientation, sterilizing materials and masks were distributed to students and teachers.
Hygienic procedures were not the only concern of the parents. Some of those who came with their children in the ninth grade to one of the averages asked for buses, stationery, “tablets” and school uniforms. Someone asked, “If my child learns in attendance this week, what will he do next week, which is scheduled to be ‘online’, if he doesn’t have a phone or computer? Will you drop out of school? “The answer came from the director that there is an effort to prepare the activities on paper, but the problem is in the stationery and in securing the paper for printing.
In this context, Marouf Saad Al-Rasmeya, director of the Center, Saadia Bassiouni, wished that if parents were left to choose the form of education they want for their children present or from afar based on a form that is distributed to them, they will which can lead to better regularity of education. Bassiouni does not hide that the recent decision of the Interior Minister to continue closing some areas very confused the schools, indicating that he asked a third of the students to attend, not half, to prevent risks, because his school is large and exists the fear that social distancing will not be achieved. He noted that the search is still going on, which will also confuse the distribution of students.

The attendance rate for students in ninth grade, second and third secondary school ranges from 65% to 100% depending on the region.

The school year also started in some private schools that committed to coeducation, but took various measures. The director of the Frere Gemayze School, president of the Teachers Union, Rudolf Abboud, pointed out that he put 20 students in the classroom and not 18 as required by the ministry plan, given the large size of the classrooms, and the students will study only 4 lessons per day, and no cars have yet been raced to study numbers Especially since the bus normally carried at least 20 students.
He stressed that the start was “encouraging” and some neighbors were eager to return after months of closure.
The common denominator among parents, according to the head of the Union of Parents and Committees of Parents in Private Schools, Lama Al-Tawil, is not to lose a second school year, and to ensure the continuity of health measures, asking: “¿¿ Will the acceptable measures we touched on the first day continue? Will children entering schools be caught in a later stage in the same way? », Asking parents and parent committees to exercise their powers of health surveillance provided by law and to inform the Federation and the Ministry of Education of complaints and observations.

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