The failure of Aoun’s initiative to avoid the “Road to Hell”: the coup will not pass


The French initiative reached a dead end, so President Michel Aoun left yesterday to try to revive it through a proposal already aware that he was born dead. He offered to abolish the sectarian distribution of ministries that were called sovereign and “not to assign them to specific sects, but to make them available to all sects, so that the ability to achieve rather than sectarian affiliation is the criterion for choosing ministers. “, placing his suggestion in the context of moving toward civil status. A proposal that would have been well received by both sides of the movement Amal and Hezbollah, had it not affected the essence of their demand for the financial portfolio. It has become clear that there is a direct US escalation through sanctions on the two parties motivated by tightening the siege on them, and indirectly through former prime ministers, especially Saad Hariri and Fouad Siniora, while this issue is wrapped in a sectarian gaze , to weaken the argument of adhesion to the fiscal portfolio, in which the two parties insist more than Always in terms of confronting the soft blow against the content of the French initiative and the results of the parliamentary elections. However, this does not pit Hezbollah against Aoun, according to the sources, nor does it contradict the memorandum of understanding. On the contrary, “the party understands the president’s adherence to this initiative based on the fact that he sees it as the last chance, in addition to understanding the president’s sensitivity to any battle fought by the president of Parliament, Nabih Berri.”

Yesterday it became clear that Aoun wanted to play the role of government, soon ruling out any solution, because “all the solutions presented are many times and are defeated”, thus he refutes the performance of the blocks and nodes that stand in the way of the formation of government. However, he clearly criticized President-designate Mustafa Adib, who was unable to present during his fourth visit to Baabda Palace any conception, composition, distribution of bags or names. He clearly indicated that “the designated president does not want to take into account the opinion of the block chiefs in the distribution of portfolios and the appointment of ministers, and proposes a comprehensive rotation, and in this position he will meet with former heads of government.” He recorded his refusal of authorship without national consensus. As for the two blocs of development, liberation and loyalty to the resistance, they insist on “joining the Ministry of Finance and appointing the minister and all the ministers of the Shiite community.” According to Aoun, they are also registered as “adherents to the French initiative”. Based on the foregoing, the President of the Republic criticized the performance of the designated president and former heads of government, refusing to “exclude the parliamentary blocs from the government formation process, because these blocs are the ones that will grant or deny trust in the Parliament (…) since it is not allowed to impose ministers and portfolios of a team. Above others, above all because it does not have a parliamentary majority. On the other hand, Aoun was asked about the voices calling for the dissolution of the understanding of Mar Mikhael, and explained that “this matter did not occur, but that does not prevent each team from expressing their opinion when there is no understanding on an issue” .

Hizbullah understands the president’s adherence to the initiative on the basis that he sees it as the last chance

Regarding the proposed rotation in the ministries and voices that call for the abolition of all the norms related to sectarianism, starting at the top of the pyramid, he replied: “In the ministry and in the government nothing has changed. This argument has nothing to do with the formation of the government. The first issue is based on fixed pillars agreed upon by their parties, but with regard to forming a government, there is always a mandate for a prime minister to form it. Each sect, regardless of its size, has a specific number of people in government, and these can be changed, and this does not require a change of heads. When a major crisis occurs, it is the President of the Republic, the President of Parliament and the Prime Minister who take care of business. He believed that should the initiative fail, “we are going to hell.” But what was remarkable in the words of the President of the Republic was his response when asked if he would apologize to a writer in case things reached a dead end, saying that the apology would be useless. The way we “recourse is that we did not ask the majority what they wanted, but we asked that 3 names from the Sunni community come forward to choose one of them, and we will return to the same topic in case of apology”, which means that the Parliamentary consultations that preceded the commission were no longer binding, but merely a formality. My form contradicts the content of the constitution and what it stipulates, and there is a new custom that is contrary to the laws represented in the selection of the sect to which the prime minister and his head belong and imposing it on the rest of the blocks represented in Parliament, while giving the blocs the right to choose one candidate from among three chosen by the sect itself.

The Stream: Let Berri endure the result of his losing deal
Meanwhile, the position of the Free Patriotic Movement, expressed in the statement issued by its political body the day before yesterday, remains the same. According to the sources, “the practices of the former prime ministers are unacceptable, as is the performance of the Future Movement and its efforts to create new norms by appointing the president. Hariri deepened his impudence, violating the constitution by claiming a sectarian right to appoint the prime minister, and then claiming a secular civil right to appoint ministers without soliciting the views of parliamentary blocs. On the other hand, sources say, “Participation in the executive branch and the so-called third signature is not through a ministry that hides a claim for the triangle. The basis of the roadmap presented by the movement focused on tackling the crisis and collapse in three months, and then moving on to develop the system, but it seems that there are those who were quick to jump over the first concern. From the beginning, the leader of the movement also assumed the role of facilitator, withdrawing from the scene of the conflict so as not to be accused of obstruction, while emphasizing that this position in no way means damaging the depth of the relationship with Hezbollah on the issue of support for the resistance against Israel. Before any danger that comes from the outside. However, it is clear that “the movement is not interested in supporting Berri, who hastened to overthrow a government that was gaining international openness, to return to Hariri, the spearhead in the opposite field. And when this deal fell through due to Hariri’s withdrawal and as a result of Berri’s own mistake, what was required of the movement became firepower for a sectarian proposal, whereas when what the Amal Movement took on was a Successful agreement was implemented, its president paid no attention to the interest of the movement and there was no discussion with him about an option. Similary. However, we withdraw to the point of eliminating the self ”.

Al-Tayyar: We are not interested in supporting Berri, who was quick to overthrow a government that was gaining international openness.

For his part, the designated prime minister is behaving as if there were no crisis caused by his team’s coup against the government of national unity stipulated in the French initiative, nor as if he insisted on ignoring the parliamentary blocs that installed him. as prime minister, vindicating his neutrality and his desire to form a government of specialists, while it has become clear that his godparents Hariri and Siniora Through her, they implement the American agenda, which has gone beyond the battle for the money bag to move on to the issue of association and the direction of the work program to be adopted by the next government. Adeeb issued a statement calling for “the cooperation of all parties to facilitate the formation of a major government with a specific program, which the parties had previously agreed to support, made up of specialists,” stating that “Lebanon cannot afford of wasting time. ” He stated that he would spare no effort to “achieve this objective in cooperation with the President of the Republic”, hoping that everyone “will work for the success of the French initiative immediately”, noting that the French efforts to solve the problem were the proposal of appoint the Yezidi Shiite minister, who was rejected by Berri, as is the case with the proposal. Hariri is the appointment of the finance minister who belongs to the Shiite community. Consequently, all roads to a solution are closed, pending a serious initiative to resolve the crisis, amid the insistence of the Amal Movement and Hezbollah to adhere to their demands. However, there is something surprising, which is the performance of the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, who immediately rejected the French initiative to reject it by refusing to appoint Mustafa Adeeb to form the government. However, since the appearance of the Ministry of Finance contract, Geagea again launched one charge after another to declare its support for the initiative. The head of the forces, in trouble on the street and politically in addition to the US and Gulf distraction from him, issued a statement yesterday to give his instructions on the way to forming the government, assuring the ‘Shiites’ that they will not be targeted by attacks, and that he will not agree to ‘cancel a sect with his mother and father’. Geagea declared his support for “the entire rotation, sects and parties, and we totally reject that the ruling blocs appoint ministers in the government.”

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