The factory Minister of Health: if the results are still high, I will ask for a decision to close the country 48 hours


The Minister of Public Health, Dr. Hamad Hassan, visited the factory border post, after the Chinese embassy provided a thermal device to facilitate the work of medical teams at this point in terms of measuring the temperature of the transients. .

The Minister of Health thanked China for this gift, citing the advantages of this device in terms of health and safety, since it is “equipped with a bell that rings when registering a temperature increase or in the presence of metal, so it helps to control the movement of travelers, and this is not the first initiative of the State of China and comes between close cooperation between the two countries, and between us and the ambassador (Wang Kujian) and Chinese companies. “

He said in response to a question: “At the Corona level, the number jumped to 11 wounded today, and I said that if the number and results remain high, I will ask the Prime Minister and the government to make the decision to close the country 48 hours, to complete or recheck in various Lebanese regions. ” We hope that the Chinese ambassador will provide us with another device at the crossing of slavery to facilitate our work and equipment for the marine centers and others. “

He believed that “with the relaxation of public mobilization procedures, the situation requires the imposition of a muzzle, which is mandatory and a fundamental deterrent for the non-proliferation of the epidemic, and therefore the availability of security among people , and this is required based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Public Health that it had demanded. “

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