The “explosion” test … a new corona test, the results of which appear in one minute


Researchers continue to develop tests to detect the Corona virus, to try to limit the spread of the virus through early detection.

Israeli researchers have developed a test for the Corona virus that can diagnose the disease in less than a minute, according to the British newspaper Daily Mail.

The researchers confirmed that they have identified the vital signs of the Corona virus, which are the gases related to the virus, in the breath of infected patients, which will allow them to quickly detect the virus using a breath test.

This test is based on blowing into a tube to determine whether users have the disease or not.

This is not the first time that scientists have discussed the concept of tests for virus analysis by respiratory analysis, as British scientists began these experiments last August.

The Israeli researchers carried out their experiments on several infected soldiers and actually found evidence of the virus in samples of their breath.

“We hope to produce a test that is reliable, much cheaper and faster than current tests, including PCR,” said research director Drew Morris.

He added that early experiments, which required people to breathe into a small bag attached to a device that searched for odors emanating from the virus, showed it was 85 percent accurate.

Studies have shown that patients infected with the coronavirus have slightly different respiratory fingerprints than those without the virus.

Scientists are reported to have been able to make a breathing analyzer that detects lung cancer in less than six minutes by looking for chemicals released by tumors in the airways.

Experts believe that the same technology can be used to detect the Corona virus, if they can show that infected patients exhale stimulant substances.
