The epidemiological reality continues to worsen … and here are the details!


The epidemiological reality continues to worsen ... and here are the details!

Hadeel Farfour wrote in “Al-Akhbar”:

According to the World Health Organization, the percentage of positive examinations should not exceed 5% for 14 consecutive days before the opening of the different sectors, while the average rate of these rates in Lebanon, in the last two weeks, exceeds 16%, that is, exceeds three times the allowable rate to reopen sectors!

According to official estimates, the highest injury rate was recorded on the 18th day of last month, when the positive test rate reached 40%, while the lowest rate was recorded on the 23rd of the same month (after the first week of full closing), and reached 9.4%.

This data will certainly not drive a return to a complete lockdown that just ended after two weeks of complaints and pressure from stakeholders, traders and other professionals due to the difficult economic situation. However, it is simply an indication of the continuing worsening of the epidemiological situation in the country where the total number of active infections exceeded 47,000, and the Ministry of Health announced last night that 1,842 cases were recorded (15 of them imported), of about 14,000 laboratory tests (ie, a positive rate). Exams amounted to about 13%), while 22 deaths were recorded (total deaths reached 1055).

As a natural consequence of this reality, the pressure on intensive care beds will inevitably increase, and the number of people residing in intensive care has reached 368, of which 147 are connected to ventilators, highlighting that it is estimated that only 90 beds intensive care units remain vacant. Some are expected to serve only two weeks, unless private hospitals follow through on their promises to increase their readiness following the country’s reopening to reduce the burden on government hospitals in general and the Government Rafic Hariri Hospital in particular, which has with 120 beds in the section dedicated to Corona, according to its director, Firas Al-Abyad.

Al-Abyadh explained to «Al-Akhbar» that the hospital, which increased the number of its beds in intensive care, is currently working to increase the number of beds for Covid 19 patients in the dialysis department, noting that the challenge more The important thing facing the country is that the economic crisis is preventing the country from closing the health sector to rest. .

He pointed to the increase in the number of ordinary patients in the hospital (in the section dedicated to patients without Covid 19), “because due to the economic situation, many people are turning to the government hospital.” If this indicates anything, then the importance of paying attention to government hospitalization, which has been neglected for decades, in the interests of private hospitals that have not hesitated to snatch their interests at the expense of one of the biggest health crises in Lebanon. .
