The Egyptian Ministry of Health confirms the availability of sufficient reserves of “medical oxygen” in all hospitals


The Egyptian Ministry of Health announced the availability of sufficient reserves of “medical oxygen” gas in all hospitals receiving patients with the new Corona virus in the governorates of the Republic.

He noted that “the state is sparing no effort to preserve the health of citizens, in the face of the Corona pandemic.”

The Egyptian Ministry of Health revealed that “there are currently 363 hospitals facing the Corona virus pandemic during the second wave of the virus,” and explained that “there are currently 34,000 beds available for patients, and the number can be doubled at any time, and there is a stock of medicines sufficient for 10 months. “

He also highlighted “the availability of a stock of more than 350 thousand liters of medical oxygen” and “increase the efficiency of hospital oxygen networks”, noting that “any case that requires a ventilator and intensive care goes to the Ministry hospitals, although are not diagnosed. ” .

Sources from the therapeutic medicine sector in the ministry warned that some citizens resort to buying or storing oxygen, and using it in the treatment of critical cases with the Coronavirus, and pointed out that “the use of oxygen in treatments without medical supervision is a great danger and endangers the lives of patients. ” By “going to hospitals feeling symptoms of the Corona virus, undergoing examination, examination and waiting to get the appropriate treatment protocol for the case, and also warned against impure oxygen supply that causes damage to brain cells, which causes death “.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Khaled Mujahid, confirmed that “hospitals are continuously receiving oxygen and sufficient strategic stocks are provided to meet all the needs of the health sector, especially for coronavirus patients.”

He explained that “the number of oxygen tanks and cylinders in all hospitals has been increased, and the efficiency of all medical gas networks in hospitals has been increased, and periodic maintenance has been carried out to prevent any malfunction or leaks. of medicinal gas devices that affect patients receiving medical service “.

Source: “The seventh day”
