The discussion on the expedient of rationalization of support in the Greater Serail continues … and President Diab: The basic problems of the life of the Lebanese citizen are a red line


Meetings began at the Grand Serail to discuss the support streamlining file.

Acting Prime Minister Hassan Diab chaired a ministerial meeting to follow up on the support file, in the presence of the Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh and several ministers.

President Diab stated that “the basic issues in the life of the Lebanese citizen, such as medicine and flour, are a red line for us.”

Diab said during a workshop held with health sector officials, in the presence of Health Minister Hamad Hassan, that “we are trying to streamline support as much as possible to preserve the remaining cash reserve stock for a longer period. “, adding that” the difficult economic and financial conditions that Lebanon is going through are the result of long years of bad policies. “

President Diab stressed that “the intention of the interim government was not to withdraw the subsidies, but rather that our approach from the beginning was to streamline support.”

In addition, the Minister of Industry of the interim government, Imad Hoballah, confirmed in an interview with the Al-Binaa newspaper that the interim government will not agree to completely and randomly eliminate the subsidies, indicating that the investigation revolves around their rationalization and importation. choosing the list of subsidies according to priorities among commodities. And agricultural, industrial, food and pharmaceutical materials.
