The deputy for Development and Liberation comes to a conclusion … “There is no government unless …”


A member of the Development and Liberation Bloc, MP Qasim Hashem, said that whoever speaks of breaking the rules may seek to break the country as a whole, as it was more important for him to pay attention to the fact that the sectarian distribution between the three presidencies is a stronger norm than the laws, and therefore unbreakable, noting that the constitution enshrines the principle of parity between Muslims and Christians until the abolition of political sectarianism in accordance with article 95 of the same, but does not specify, nor soon or from afar, what should be the sectarian and denominational distribution in this or that place.

In response to a question, Hashem confirmed, in a statement to the writer Zeina Tabbara in the Kuwaiti newspaper, “Al-Anbaa”, that some people want it to be a sectarian political battle, while we in the Development and Liberation Bloc only We want to implement rules and statutes, not defame anyone and not challenge anyone. The door to the realization of the right, on the basis of equality and association in the national decision. The circulation of powers.

Regarding the need for everyone, including the Shiite duo, to give up in favor of launching the wheel of the state after so many calamities and setbacks, Hashem said: “The problem is not with concessions, settlements or turning corners, but rather that some treat this crisis as a matter of political disgrace. “

He stressed that “no one can bid for President Nabih Berri to find common spaces between all Lebanese components, and the most deluded person believes that he can target Ain al-Tina, who knows well how and where things are cooked, and he knows which side is trying to distribute dishes at the government table. ” “.

Regarding the fate of the French initiative, he stressed that it has not finished yet, but that it was hit by a series of poisonous arrows by those who entered the country in this sterile and abominable crisis, expressing his confidence that the background to target the initiative French is far beyond the borders of the homeland, and in the service of some international and regional chefs, and what? When reading the American sanctions, there are only decisive conclusions about who is behind the objective of the French initiative.

Hashem decisively concluded the debate: “No government unless the Ministry of Finance is assigned to the honorable Shiite community, and on the basis of achieving balance and true partnership, and those who want to fight must recognize this unbreakable custom, and a understanding on the basis of this is with the designated president on the name of the Shiite Finance Minister, provided that he is a specialist in the science of money and numbers, and of non-party affiliations, and does not constitute a provocation to anyone.
