The departure of Ayatollah Misbah Al-Yazdi … a biography full of knowledge and science …


The Islamic philosopher, the great Iranian cleric and member of the Assembly of Leadership Experts, Ayatollah Sheikh Muhammed Taqi Mesbah Yazdi, traveled to the upper kingdom at the age of 89, after his death on Friday night, in a hospital in Tehran.

The late founder of the Imam Khomeini (Quds, your secret) Foundation for education and scientific research, a member of the Council of Leadership Experts in Iran and one of the most prominent Iranian religious scholars, and among the students of the Islamic philosopher and interpreter , Mr. Muhammad Husayn al-Tabatabai.

His Eminence was born in 1935 AD in the city of Yazd, and traveled to Najaf to complete the study of Islamic sciences, then he was forced to return to Iran after a year and settled in holy Qom.

Full time for study, research and reading until you have completed in a period of four years all the stages of the presentations and surfaces up to the letters and the earnings. Whereas, the completion of these surfaces generally takes around eight years.

In addition to following the lessons of the seminar, and for the love of science and the search for truth, Sheikh Muhammad Taqi studied some modern sciences such as physics, chemistry, physiology and the French language.

The departure of Ayatollah Misbah Al-Yazdi ... a biography full of knowledge and jihad

The departure of Ayatollah Misbah Al-Yazdi ... a biography full of knowledge and jihad

Teaching it

Professor Misbah Al-Yazdi began teaching at the Haqqani School (Al-Montazia). He began this work with the aim of training intellectual and ideological forces and educating committed and active people to form the future cadre of the Islamic system and Islamic government. He taught Qur’anic, exegetical, and philosophical subjects at that school.

He also taught the book “Our Philosophy” by the martyr al-Sadr “Ra”, and the book “Bidaya al-Hikma” by the scholar Tabatabai (may Allah) for ten years at that school.

He also taught detailed philosophical books like the Four Books for those interested in these lessons. These classes were, in fact, specialist level in philosophy.

Likewise, the topic “The purpose of Islam and the relationship between the Islamic Revolution and Islam” is another discussion that Ayatollah Mesbah Al-Yazdi gave in an official invitation from New York University in the United States.

After the lessons of the late Imam Khomeini (may God rest his soul) ceased due to his exile outside of Iran, his eminence faced the conduct of numerous studies on social research in Islam, including the study of jihad, as well as the judiciary and the Islamic government.

His Eminence also had an effective presence in the arena of confrontation with the late Pahlavi regime, represented in cooperation with the martyr Beheshti, the martyr Qudosi and the late Sheikh Hashemi al-Rafsanjani, and during that time he published the bulletins (Mission) and (Revenge), even as he struggled with second edition printing and distribution issues.

Accompanied by Ayatollah Jannati, the martyr Beheshti and the martyr Qudusi, he directed the Al-Muntazira School of Religious Sciences in the holy city of Qom and gave lessons in philosophy, ethics and Qur’anic sciences over a period of (10) years.

The departure of Ayatollah Misbah Al-Yazdi ... a biography full of knowledge and jihad

The departure of Ayatollah Misbah Al-Yazdi ... a biography full of knowledge and jihad

After the victory of the great Islamic revolution in Iran, Sheikh Al-Misbah was elected as an effective member of the Revolutionary Cultural Committee, and participated in the activities of establishing the coordinating office between the seminary and the university, and reforming the seminar system. , and Imam Khomeini encouraged him to establish the Baqir Scientific Research Science Foundation, then he founded the Imam Khomeini Foundation for scientific research and education. Before his death, Sheikh Misbah Al-Yazdi held the position of presiding over the aforementioned Imam Khomeini Foundation, presiding over the Supreme Council of the Ahl al-Bayt International Council, a member of the Group of Masters in the Qom scientific seminary, as well as a member of the Supreme Council for the Cultural Revolution.

In 1990, he was elected representative of the Khuzestan province in the Assembly of Experts of the Directorate, and recently he was also elected deputy for the people of Tehran in the above-mentioned council.

He has many books and books on Islamic philosophy, comparison, theology, ethics, and Islamic beliefs.

The Islamic Republic of Iran

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