The death of a journalist with the “Corona” virus – MTV Lebanon


The death of a media person with a virus.

Al-Nour Radio named our colleague Fatima Mizner, who died today from complications due to the Corona virus.

The obituary read: “ With more satisfaction and recognition of God’s judgment and destiny, and feelings of sadness and pain, Radio Al-Nour mourns the departure of our colleague, Hajjah Fatima Muzner, one of the founding media of the march of Al-Nour since its inception, and who died today due to health complications after suffering the Crown epidemic. Fatima Muzner has a career full of tenders, graduating in radio in various fields and media assignments, and having her distinctive imprint on the various stations and challenges that radio faced, especially the July 2006 aggression, which led to her to assume responsibility for the development, preparation and presentation programs of several of them.

He added: “The family of Radio Al-Nour offers to the beloved family of the deceased, her colleagues, the media body and the audience of Radio Al-Nour, with their sincerest condolences, to ask Almighty God to cover her with mercy. of his mercy and that he inspires patience and comfort in his family and the media family. “

He concluded: “Colleague Mizanar will be buried this afternoon in the southern city of Al-Sawana.”
