The deadlock returns to the government’s file, pending next Thursday … all parties maintain their position and Hariri will not back down


The decision of the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, to postpone parliamentary consultations until next Thursday, was a fatal blow to all efforts to accelerate the formation of a government that will save the country from the successive crises it has faced. Yesterday no contact was registered. Rather, the storm of a political drought after the decision to postpone parliamentary consultations until next Thursday, and the political motives seemed to be extinguished in one go, awaiting the crystallization of the next step in re-correcting the course. allocation clearly decided in favor of President Saad Hariri. If the consultations were made on time. It seems that an essential part of the governmental political reality has occupied the meetings of the United States Undersecretary of State for Middle Eastern Affairs, David Schenker, who has been in Beirut for days leading his country’s delegation to the inaugural round of negotiations to demarcate the maritime border between Lebanon and Israel in Naqoura. Although Schenker decided to stay away from the media during his current visit, his tour of officials and politicians is gaining importance. It was learned that he is focusing urgently on forming a government that fully adheres to the reforms without giving specific milestones for the benefit of anyone. Yesterday he met with President Nabih Berri and the President of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, and today he will visit the Baabda Palace to meet with President Michel Aoun. He is also expected to meet with Prime Minister Saad Hariri and the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea.

As for the sources of the Al-Wasat House, the position is decided by Al-Akhbar: The postponement will not change anything for Hariri, since the problem is not with him, but with the blocks that the presidential statement indicated that requested the postponement . According to the information provided by the Major General, Hariri will not deal with the transfer, if he obtains it, according to the logic of the minority, the majority, the regional and the pact. He is required to obtain the highest number of nominations, to be assigned to form the government. As for the question of not being named by the two main Christian factions, it will have no effect on your calculations. There are 22 deputies from outside the Free Patriotic Movement and the forces, and according to him, the President of the Republic is the first representative of the Christians, and it cannot be ignored that he is the de facto president of the Free Patriotic Movement.

For the same reason, Bassil did not link his position to any Hariri step. The sources of the movement were informed to Al-Akhbar that his position will not change after the postponement of the consultations for a week, and he will not appoint Hariri. In addition, there are those who confirm that the movement will announce that it will not participate in the government there.

If things come through this closed route, will the Presidency of the Republic be allowed to postpone further consultations? In practice, the reasons for the first postponement may lend themselves to a second postponement, but on the other hand, there are those who claim that the movement is excluded, and then the postponement will be seen as an interruption of the French consultations and initiative.

Baabda is justified
At this time, yesterday a defensive and justifying reading of the decision to postpone the consultations was released by sources familiar with President Aoun’s position, who stated that the decision to postpone was not to justify but to set a new date for the consultations, so there were no explanations and there is no personal reason that controls President Aoun’s positions, but there are issues. It must be studied before starting it up, so that we are not before a commission without authorship and authorship without trust.

Sources familiar with Baabda airspace said that “any block chief, whether of the large and balanced blocks or the small ones, has the right to express his opinion, but this opinion is beyond the jurisdiction and responsibilities of the president, noting that President Aoun received calls from bloc leaders who wanted him to postpone the consultations and it was more appropriate. ” Those who opposed analyzing the political situation to find out the reasons for the postponement for a week, as analyzing this situation yields data that led President Aoun to postpone the consultations in order to provide a positive climate of composition so that the country is not trapped between a government that does business and an appointed president who does not write.

He added that “President Aoun is willing to provide the greatest possible amount of representative support to the person who will be in charge of forming the government due to the importance and precision of the tasks that are required of the government in the next stage, which require extensive National consensus and not fragmentation, in reference to the desire to appoint the president in charge with a national and regional consensus with reference to Mount Lebanon sources suggest that it is outside this consensus, and they considered that President Aoun “wanted, through his decision, to give an additional opportunity to agree with the President-designate to save the French initiative based on the support of the President of the Republic for this initiative, which must be implemented by the largest possible number of supporters in particular. “There was a setback in the positions on this initiative, and a delay could address this issue.

President Aoun was very interested, through this step, in ensuring an atmosphere that would facilitate the subsequent authorship process, and thus ensure that the future government would obtain the desired confidence, because this government has a program of reforms that must be agreed upon and the mechanism to implement it so that the government plan and program are clear about it.

He said the week separating the date of the consultations will be marked by consultations, “and the whole goal of President Aoun is to create a positive environment to form a government, and everything that has been said otherwise is unfounded.” They pointed out that Deputy Gebran Bassil is the head of a parliamentary bloc, which is the largest, but like any other bloc, he has no right to dictate anything to the President of the Republic. And he stressed that “no veto against Prime Minister Saad Hariri and the President of the Republic is committed to the outcome of the consultations.”
And while the sources indicated to the “Major General” the accelerated contacts that took place last night between Presidents Nabih Berri and Hariri to understand the repercussions of the unjustified postponement on all standards and refrain from responding to what happened positively or negatively to block the objectives of those behind the postponement step and keeping the momentum for political action going, Sources indicated that a consultation movement will continue during the postponement period to commit to timely binding parliamentary consultations and start the process of forming a new government despite all the objections of some, and to do everything possible to block the way to possible local or external obstacles or obstacles that hinder and delay the formation of the future government. .

According to these sources, the president’s insistence on granting an additional deadline to agree with the designated president to save the French initiative highlights the need for this opportunity amid information indicating that its implementation needs the largest number of supporters, especially if stumbling in positions towards her has arisen, and therefore the delay addresses that.

Hariri of course
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Saad Hariri does not seem to want to withdraw his candidacy and present a “blank check” to the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, Gebran Bassil. However, when he was disturbed by the decision to postpone binding parliamentary consultations in its early hours, he was soon advised to “slow down and not back down,” according to accompanying sources, considering that President Michel Aoun “will find it difficult. very difficult to postpone the elections again after the expiration of the week, and therefore Hariri does not need to withdraw his candidacy, especially after he won a strong and diverse parliamentary majority.

The main dilemma, the sources summed up with the centrality of the question that Aoun posed to Hariri when he said: “What do you want to see Gibran?” And here is the whole point of postponing the date of the consultations, especially in light of what has been reported by reliable information about the intention of the head of the “National Movement” Gebran Bassil to ask him. Hariri is for the Ministry of Energy to return to the current part, similar to the return of the Ministry of Finance to the Shiite couple.

On this basis, the President of the Republic postponed the date of the consultations to allow a meeting between Hariri and Bassil to reach a ministerial agreement that satisfies the second before assigning the first, and at that time Aoun will consider that the “Christian pact and regional “that invoked for the postponement has returned and secured satisfying Basil. Sources noted that mediation had come on the line to persuade Hariri to meet with Bassil, but still insisted that the formation of his government should be made up of independent specialists away from political and partisan quotas.

At the same time, sources revealed that Aoun “blinked from the Hezbollah channel” justifying his decision to postpone the consultations, hinting in his contacts that there were “non-Christian blocs” that also demanded further clarification and consultations before assigning Hariri, referring in this context to data that indicated that the party was not opposed. Postponing the consultations, while the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri, was one of the most enthusiastic about holding them on time without delay, and expressed his willingness to help the Hariri government in terms of swift legislative support for its decisions.

The Shiite duo with Hariri
On the other hand, informed sources confirmed to Al-Akhbar that the Shiite duo is convinced that Hariri is the first choice to head the government, and it is not true that he is in favor of postponing the consultations. The sources call for a scrutiny of the declaration of the second presidency (refusing to postpone the consultations), to ensure that Hezbollah and Amal support Hariri. However, the party did not issue any position regarding the nomination, but it is certain that Hezbollah deputies were preparing to participate in the consultations. More precisely, they do not care that he is in charge of the government, but without that meaning that his flag carries. Just what they asked when assigning Mustafa Adib, they are asking Hariri. According to the information, it was agreed that the Shiite duo would appoint the Shiite ministers (or that they would provide more than one name for the president-designate to choose one of them), in addition to obtaining the Ministry of Finance. This leads to the fact that Hezbollah, and which still confirms the strength of the alliance with Aoun, is that on the governmental side, the principle of consensus has already been overlooked. Therefore, Bassil’s refusal of the Shiites to obtain the financial portfolio did not spoil a problem between the two parties. Likewise, the disagreement on the appointment of the prime minister will be one more stop on the path of disagreements, the last of which was the disagreement on the form of the delegation that negotiates the demarcation of borders.
