The danger to life and the effectiveness of the vaccine against it. Is this what we know about the new strain of the Corona virus? Al-Manar Channel Website – Lebanon


Britain has detected a new strain of the emerging corona virus, so the new strain may be more widespread than its predecessors, in light of the increase in the number of cases the country is witnessing.

The new strain was dubbed “VUI-202012/01, the initials for” strain under investigation “in December in Britain, as scientists searched for more information on this strain, people began to feel its impact.

Several countries have imposed travel restrictions on UK travelers, and British Health Minister Matt Hancock said on Sunday that the tension “got out of control”, and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was scheduled to preside over a emergency meeting on Monday as the government tried Damage Management.
Here’s what we know about the new breed:

How does the strain appear and why are officials concerned about this particular strain?

The strain appears when the genetic makeup of the virus changes, according to the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention, since all viruses mutate and strains appear common, and the Coronavirus is an example of this.

Like the newer Covid19 strains, this strain carries genetic fingerprints that make it easy to track, and this does not necessarily mean that the mutation alone facilitated spread, and it does not necessarily mean that this strain is more dangerous.

Britain’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty said this strain specifically “includes 23 different changes”, which he describes as an unusually large number, and Whitty says the strain is responsible for 60% of new infections in London, which nearly they doubled over the past week.

This discovery has immediate effects on the control of the virus, as the increase in infections will place a heavier burden on hospitals and health teams, at a time when they enter a difficult winter period, which will gradually lead to a increase in the number of deaths.

The Public Health Authority of England revealed that a mutation in the spike protein of “Covid 19”, which is the part of the virus that connects to host cells, will help increase its ability to spread, and scientists around the world The UK is conducting further research on this topic.
What is the source of this strain and how was it established?

The source of the new coronavirus strain is in southeast England, according to the World Health Organization.

British Public Health says that reverse tracking, through genetic evidence, shows that the strain first appeared in England last September and spread at a low level until mid-November.

The authority said: “This increase in cases related to the new strain appeared in late November, when the authority conducted investigations into why infection rates had not decreased in Kent (south-eastern England) despite the implementation of measures to national level, before we found a complex where this strain spread rapidly in London and Essex ”, and some scientists have suggested that the appearance of the new strain returns to a large gathering somewhere, which means that the behavior human has caused it.
Countries affected

The new strain has spread to several countries around the world besides Great Britain, as cases related to it have been recorded in Denmark, Australia and the Netherlands, according to the World Health Organization, and a case has also been discovered in Italy.

A case of a different strain of the virus has been recorded in South Africa and scientists say it is spreading rapidly in coastal areas of the country.
Is the new breed more dangerous to life?

There is no evidence to confirm that this strain is more life threatening than its predecessors, according to Witi, who said “emergency work” is underway to test how dangerous the strain is to life.

And some scientists indicated that the speed of spread of some viruses is accompanied by a decrease in the virulence of the virus and in mortality rates, this means that the strain is less lethal for those infected, although the judgment on this is still very early .
Does the vaccine work effectively against this strain?

Whitty said on Saturday that current vaccines must work effectively against this new strain, and Warp Speed’s US chief of operations confirmed these statements, saying: “So far, I don’t think there is a single series that is capable of resist the vaccine, “Moncef Al-Salawi told CNN. Domingo: “We cannot make an exception, but we have not arrived yet,” he says.

It should be noted that the United States and Great Britain had licensed the Pfizer vaccine and that other vaccines are currently being produced.

Source: CNN
