The Crown’s creators have a “moral responsibility”


British actress Helena Bonham Carter said that the creators of the series The Crown, which in its third and fourth parts played the character of Princess Margaret (the younger sister of Queen Elizabeth II), have a “moral responsibility” to tell viewers that it is a drama and not a historical event, following calls for a “health warning” for people who watch the series.

Bonham Carter noted in an official podcast of the series, which is part of the “Netflix” series on the original US streaming platform, that there is a significant difference between “our version” and “the real version.”
In the audio episode that aired on Monday, the 54-year-old actress said: “I feel very strong, because I think we have a moral responsibility to say: Wait, guys, this is not a documentary drama … We are doing a imaginary drama … then they are two different things. ” . She described the research conducted by the series creator, Peter Morgan, as “staggering.”
Helena’s words followed the statement by British Culture Minister Oliver Dowden, prompted by criticism of the historical accuracy of the series, which deals with the British royal family, that he plans to ask “Netflix” to disclaim liability. before the episodes are shown, so that viewers do not misinterpret the image as a historical fact.
