The crescent and star adorn the sky of Karabakh


Erdogan affirmed that Turkey will continue to support the right and the oppressed at all times and places (Anatolia)

Today, Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan praised Azerbaijan’s restoration of the Karabakh region, calling it a “deserved legitimate victory”, while his Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said that Baku liberated its land “with contributions from our local arms. “

Today, Erdogan witnessed the opening ceremony of a road in the state of Kars (northeast), through a video call from the Vahiddin Palace in Istanbul. Returning, in his speech, to the liberation of Azerbaijan from the region, saying: “Restoring Karabakh is a deserved victory for Azerbaijan, according to international law and diplomatic and military fields.”

He stressed that the Azerbaijani flag proudly flies in Karabakh as “a symbol of the heroism of our martyrs.” He continued: “We thank God that the crescent and star (present on the Azerbaijani flag) are now decorating the Karabakh sky thanks to the struggle of our Azerbaijani brothers.”

On the other hand, Erdogan referred to the honorable and principled positions of Turkey when he defended justice in Syria, peace and stability in Iraq and legitimacy in Libya. He stated that Turkey will continue to support the right wing and the oppressed at all times and places.

He stressed that Azerbaijan does not intervene on anyone’s land or attack anyone, but that its lands occupied for 30 years were liberated despite the decisions of the United Nations and the OSCE. He added that Azerbaijan liberated its lands on the basis of legitimacy and did not target civilians and civilian-populated areas, as Armenia did when it occupied Azerbaijani lands 30 years ago.

He explained that Turkey rushed to provide relief to its Azerbaijani brothers with all its capabilities when Armenia launched an attack on Azerbaijani lands. And he indicated that Turkey contributed to the liberation of Karabakh and Azerbaijani lands from the Armenian occupation, in accordance with the history, culture, beliefs and common language of the two countries.

On the other hand, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry announced that it will organize a military parade next Thursday that will include 3,000 soldiers and 150 military vehicles. He added that the parade will also include weapons that were confiscated and confiscated from the Armenian forces.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is scheduled to visit Azerbaijan on the same day.

Turkish Defense Minister: Azerbaijan liberated its land with the contributions of our weapons

For his part, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said on Saturday that Azerbaijan liberated the Karabakh region from Armenian occupation in 44 days with contributions from the Turkish national weapons systems.

This came during the handover ceremony of the first home-made helicopter engine produced by “Tusas” Engine Industries and the inauguration of an engine design center in Ashkişehir state in central Turkey.

Akar explained that the Azerbaijani army managed, with great success, through the “one nation process”, to end the Armenian occupation of Azerbaijani lands, which lasted about 30 years.

He pointed out that the whole world is talking today about the extent of the influence of the Turkish weapons systems in the course of the military operation undertaken by Azerbaijan to liberate its lands and expel the occupiers.

He indicated that the Turkish armed forces have achieved great success in their military operations against terrorism inside and outside the country through the sacrifice of their members, and thanks to locally manufactured weapons, ammunition, equipment, vehicles and mechanisms.

He noted that the contributions of national and local weapons systems are great in the success of the Turkish Armed Forces in their missions to protect the interests of the country in the eastern Mediterranean in the Aegean Sea, and the tasks entrusted to it in various parts of the world.

Armenian demonstrations continue

On the other hand, tens of thousands of opposition supporters organized a march around the Armenian capital on Saturday to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in the context of his handling of the conflict with Azerbaijan over Karabakh.

During six weeks of intense fighting, which ended with a peace agreement negotiated by Russia on November 10, the Azerbaijani army regained the territories that the Armenian forces had occupied for more than a quarter of a century.

And the opposition parties in Armenia have warned Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan not to stage civil disobedience across the country if he does not resign by Tuesday noon. Pashinyan refuses to resign and defends the peace agreement as a painful but necessary step that prevented Azerbaijan from invading the entire Karabakh region.

More than 20,000 protesters gathered in Yerevan on Saturday, chanting slogans such as “Nicole, traitor!” And, “Nicole, go!” They then walked to the prime minister’s official residence.

Protesters reject the peace agreement signed by Pashinyan (Lucy Sargesian / Getty)

In this regard, the leader of the opposition “Patria Party” and former head of the National Security Service, Artur Vanitsyan, said in a protest march: “The post of Prime Minister of Armenia is currently occupied by a political corpse.”

Many priests of the Armenian Apostolic Church joined the protest, denouncing Pashinyan for allowing Azerbaijan to control some holy sites.

During Saturday’s march, veteran politician Vazgen Manoukian, who has been nominated by 17 parties for prime minister, said that his transitional government will seek to renegotiate some ambiguities of the November 10 peace agreement.

Vazgen Manoukian and Artur Vanitzian (center) during today’s rally (Lucy Sargsyan / Getty)

Manukyan, 71, served as prime minister in 1990 and 1991, when Armenia was part of the Soviet Union, and later served as defense minister during the separatist war.

And earlier this week, Turkish and Russian officials signed documents to establish a joint monitoring center to ensure the implementation of the peace agreement.

(Anatolia, Associated Press)
