The counter continues to rise: Lebanon is “competing” for the world


Yesterday, the Corona meter did not bring the good news, the results of which were supposed to arrive eight days after the closure of the first batch of locations infected by Coronavirus (111 locations before was followed by another batch that included 169 locations). On the ninth day of the new measures taken by the Ministry of Public Health, the counter is still above the 1,000 injury threshold, registering 1,056 new cases, bringing the total number of injuries to 30,683. Meanwhile, the death toll continued to rise, with 7 new casualties registered, bringing the total number to 466.

There are no promising figures of what has been achieved with the spread of the Corona virus in the country, especially with Lebanon in second place in the world in the proportion of HIV infections. However, Public Health Minister Hamad Hassan expresses “exceptional” optimism, despite saying that the country has not yet reached the line of no return, indicating that we can still reduce the number of injured to less. of a thousand while the death toll is low.
However, the battle against the Coronavirus continues to be long, especially in light of the indifference shown by some people in the recently closed villages, in which adherence to isolation measures was not enough, since “it oscillates in the best case between 70% in some towns and less than 50%. % In other locations ». This led Hassan to ask people to take things “with a high level of seriousness.”
On the other hand, the decision of the Ministries of the Interior, Municipalities and Public Health to close “infected” localities continues to arouse controversy, based on doubts about the reasons that led to the choice of closure. Some have criticized the exclusion of large cities from this closure, which is what Hassan assumed with the “good attitude”, considering that “the decision to close vital areas can be a positive factor in limiting the spread of the virus and not just closing small towns and villages “.
For his part, the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, Muhammad Fahmy, considered that the closure decisions arise “based on the recommendation issued by the Coronavirus Preventive Measures and Procedures Monitoring Committee in the Government Serail, which in turn delivers to the Ministry a list of these high-risk towns and villages ”. Furthermore, “the function of the ministry is limited only to implementing the practical part related to the guarantee of public safety, and it has nothing to do with any other antecedent that any work may involve.”

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