The conference “Return of Syrian refugees” confirms the provision of guarantees for the return of refugees


Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Miqdad said, before the closing statement of the conference for the return of Syrian refugees in Damascus, that his country is making every effort to return the refugees. The envoy of the Russian president highlights the need to confront the sanctions imposed on the Syrian people and to unify efforts to resolve the crisis.

  • At the closing session of the conference on the return of Syrian refugees to their country
    At the closing session of the conference on the return of Syrian refugees to their country
  • At the closing session of the conference on the return of Syrian refugees to their country
    At the closing session of the conference on the return of Syrian refugees to their country

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Miqdad, in a speech during the closing speech of the conference for the return of Syrian refugees in Damascus on Thursday, with Arab and international participation, said that “Western countries fought in this conference, while its objective is to delay the return of the refugees, to manipulate their position and exploit it. “

Al-Miqdad emphasized that the refugee issue is “a national problem for us and we are doing everything possible to return all refugees.” He noted that the Syrian state “provided guarantees for the return of the refugees and restored the infrastructure in the areas to which the refugees returned.”

In turn, the Russian president’s envoy to Syria, Alexander Lavrentiev, said: “The participation of 27 countries in this conference confirms its importance and the importance of the return of Syrian refugees.” He added that the sanctions imposed on the Syrian people must be faced and efforts to resolve the crises in Syria must be unified.

Lavrentiev added that conference participants affirmed their desire to resolve the difficulties faced by the return of refugees, noting that Moscow’s efforts should focus on the arrival of aid and the return of Syrian refugees to their country.

Lavrentiev indicated that the conference confirms that the door is open for the return of Syrian refugees to Syria.

Yesterday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed that solving the Syrian refugee crisis requires the participation of the international community, and some countries have stopped politicizing this file, stating that these countries are responsible for the suffering of millions of Syrians who saw themselves forced to leave their homeland.

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad had said in a speech at the opening of the conference that “there are countries in the West that exploit Syrian refugees for political purposes.”

Al-Assad added: “These countries prevent refugees from returning to their homeland through intimidation and intimidation,” adding: “We are working diligently to return all refugees to Syria, but there are many obstacles.”

Al-Assad accused European countries and the United States of America of seeking “to displace Syrians, supporting terrorism in their country,” noting that “these countries moved ISIS in 2014 to prevent Syria from achieving stability.”

On Wednesday, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Ayman Sousan said in a speech during the opening of the conference yesterday that the United States is putting pressure on Egypt and the United Arab Emirates to prevent them from participating in the conference.

The work of the international conference on the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland began on Wednesday in Damascus and continues today. Representatives of the Syrian ministries and representatives of the Russian side held several sessions, during which they discussed many issues in the fields of education, higher education, scientific research, industry, health, justice and the tax system.

The Working Group on Science and Education of the Syrian-Russian Standing Committee on Scientific, Economic and Trade Cooperation reviewed the decisions of its previous regular meetings and the results of their implementation. Representatives from the Ministries of Education and Higher Education and Scientific Research attended.

During the working meeting between representatives of the Syrian Ministry of Communications and Technology and representatives of the Ministry of Digital Development in Russia, the two sides discussed the state of the “telecommunications” infrastructure in Syria and the Syrian-Russian means of cooperation in the field of information and communication technology.

The Deputy Minister of Finance, Riyad Abdel Raouf, and the Director General of the General Tax and Tax Authority Munther Wannous, spoke with the Vice President of the Federal Treasury of Russia and the Deputy Chief of Project Management in the Ministry of the Treasury of Russia, to improve cooperation in financial and tax fields and financial payment methods between the two parties.

A working meeting was also held between representatives of the Ministry of Health and representatives of the Russian Supervisory Authority and the Russian Cooperation Authority to discuss the issue of mutual cooperation and discuss the signing of a memorandum of understanding in the field. of infectious disease control, as well as discussions between representatives of the Ministry of Health and representatives of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on a memorandum of understanding related to cooperation in the field of circulation Pharmaceutical products and medical equipment.

A meeting was also held between representatives of the Russian Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the company “Sofocream”, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform, during which the means to improve and develop cooperation between the two parties were discussed. And another meeting between the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and the Russian company “Via Invest”.
