The committees discussed the issue of support and mandatory reserves and asked the government for practical proposals attached with data – Al-Binaa newspaper


Held لجان the money Walmart, Administration All right, Economy the National والتجارة And the industry And planning health the public And work والشؤون Social session Common, Yesterday in a City Hall Representative, Headed Vice President City Hall Eli Ferzli, And presence Ministers in a government Conjugation Deal: Gaseous Weight, Raul Grace, Emad Love To, decor turbid, symbolic Supervisor, Promise Big Since Representatives addition to me director Regional للبنك International Mortar Kumar جاه And MP The third For a ruler Consumption Lebanon Salim Shaheen.

وناقشت Committees put on support لمواد Consumer And derivatives Petroleum والاحتياط required in a Consumption Lebanon. وفيما No Talking Ferzli distance session, Happy With a statement Chest About Committees, ويهI recommend Gentlemen Representatives Send government For suggestions Operation attached Data Clear Around support والاحتياطي To discuss it in a session Coming”.

And she was session Experienced Lyrics ومواقف And debates And discussions Around issue support والاحتياط required. And varied Positions Since upload support or Lack of it And of issue reservation required And it does The Since Deposits People, Where Confirmed Deputies in a His words That Since money People in a Sinks. وطالب others Rationalize support ووقف Smuggling And shaping government in a Faster time Maybe Since yes put on plan Economic Finance Inclusive.

ودعا Deputies to me Activation government Conjugation Deal And coming Plan To be discussed in a session Committees.

and so session, Announce President لجنة the money والموازنة Parliamentary Ibrahim Canaan, is a «Done Claim government and consumption Lebanon Send Proposals gravity Operation To be discussed With City Hall Parliamentary Around support, And it will be Our Attitude Since Which Appointment No For the benefit People».

Since His side, Dua President لجنة Economy the National والتجارة Industry And planning deputy Only Gardener, to me «that We translate What We are saying All of them About state Emergency Economic, That Initiated presidency board Representatives In consultation With President The Republic Baptism Michel Aoun And the boot In your care, For a meeting Is taking place Each City In The minus وعند the need, in a Baabda contains President The Republic ورئيس board Representatives ورئيس government Conjugation Deal And the president Official And ministers the money والاقتصاد And energy والصحة ورؤساء Blocks Parliamentary Higher ورؤساء Committees Parliamentary Competent Parallel ورئيس City Hall Economic Social ورئيس Organizations Economic ورئيس the Union Workers Year».

وقال «Total Assistants I will not do it Increase About Twenty Person, والهدف put on plan Emergency Dear Six First Since Year next Included Crossing The lowest Losses From Stage Difficult, وفيها What The The most important Since Rationalization support, Discount Pressure In Market Coins Which Will light up When Hinges Consumption Lebanon About safe Coins Difficult To import, When Will take over price To exchange Eat Which help For families Poor but Profits Lessons Central».

و .كد thatreservation The King Depositors, No Permissible I touched TO”.

Turn Dua Trustworthy Head Dough Meeting Democrat deputy Hadi Abu Al Hassangovernment to me training لجنة patriotism لوضع plan How Rationalization support, In that ت .ؤلّف this is The Commission Since Ministries Financial والاقتصاد والشؤون Social And energy Goodbye Addition to me 3 Institutions she Consumption Lebanon, City Hall Economic Social And statistics Central, In that To complete Cooperat With Organizations International, And in Your provider the bank International”.

و .كد deputy Ali advantage Jalil, thatoutline What Benefit of the Lessons Poor والمتوسطة Since support No Exceeds the25%، And support No Long pants Most Families The most Poor, There 155 one thousand family Below The ceiling the above للفقر Y260 one thousand family Below Line Poverty The lowest, وبالتالي لدينا Medium People Lebanese Classified Since the poor No Capable people In safe Their livelihood in a Circumstances Current”.

وقالOur duty paying toward Support for Lessons Poor directly To form No to lose 75% Since support to me Aliens or Lessons Affordable Which Power that Bear Is Imposition، Highlighting In thatIs I send about Our No Power that insurance Except Since During Legislation Legal Guarantor لحماية Families Poor”.

Since For his part I ask deputy Denominator HashemWhere you went money Depositors?وقالMust be that Starts Debate Since this is point Central, in a the beginning, To know Oh seriously Yes We were we discuss Modes Depositors, We’re We launched Crying Around this is the case”.

و .شار deputy Anwar Hebron to me is adistance Discussion Extensive I decided Committees Parliamentary Common the demand Since government that Progress look at it Linear للبندين issue Debate, Addition to me Full data والمعلومات وال .رقام Connected With both themes, How How to do Power للنواب that They discuss without that is being لديهم Which Documentary film formal The same Link”.

وقال deputy beautiful teacherWas I have Protest In session in a Itself Decimal Clear: we Like a board Deputies No Our work that Bees Site government Neither that Bewiper washerUnlimited Have Sayerna Superlative President By message Which Her face والتي She complained In which In insurrection Employee Big The governor Consumption Lebanon In Appointment government. And we gave him the lid Below Set So I read Minister the money When Send the book He says in thatbased on to me Appointment board Representatives we wish in youtolerance We ask Of you”.

He added: “If the governor of the Banque du Liban sends the third deputy to attend the session. We represent the people and he must listen to the people who curse him. We will address him courteously, understand him and hear from him: “When you run away from the session, he is running away from what people are saying.” And he considered “that the absence of the governor of the Banque du Liban is an insult to the Council.
