The closure of the country was proposed again … in this case!


Acting government Minister of Public Health Hamad Hassan said: “The latest data says that ‘Pfizer’ is very effective against Corona and the new strain is spreading rapidly, but so far it has not been shown to be any more lethal, instead it is spreading faster.

Hassan continued during an appearance on the ‘Voice of the People’ program, saying: “Tomorrow the scientific committee will meet in the morning to study the measures to be taken regarding the arrivals from London to Beirut and to tighten the follow-up procedures. and study the possibility of returning to the mandatory quarantine of arrivals. “

He said: “We continue with the Pfizer vaccine and we have other vaccine options that we can turn to, but our protective behavior is still the first and last in the epidemic, and we cannot prevent the entry of the new Corona strain into the country.” .

Hassan stressed that “in case the occupancy rate for intensive care beds increases for Corona patients, we will return to the closure of the country.”

Hassan highlighted that “there is a problem in the payment mechanism of the Lebanese University regarding the PCR tests carried out by the laboratories of the Lebanese University that are in charge of the examinations for arrivals, and we are trying to find a solution to the mechanism. of payment “.

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