The Chinese city of Wuhan has tested about a third of its citizens to detect the crown.


“The Chinese city of Wuhan has announced that it has examined more than three million of its 11 million citizens for the emerging” Corona “virus, while seeking to assess the entire population,” the official Xinhua news agency said. A series of new cases has raised concerns about a second wave of infection.

He noted that “the city that was the center of the disease outbreak made it clear that it plans to carry out DNA tests for all citizens, in an attempt to assess the numbers that did not show symptoms of the disease,” noting that “Wuhan he monitored several cases where the symptoms of the disease did not appear daily. ” .

Asymptomatic cases are for people in whom the test result is positive for the disease, but show no external signs of the disease.

In a statement today, the Chinese National Health Commission announced that “authorities recorded four new cases of the Corona virus, up from three cases the previous day. The total number of cases in mainland China is currently 82,933, while the number of deaths remains unchanged. ” In 4,633 cases.

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