The Chinese CDC suggested that the “Covid-19” infection was more prevalent in Wuhan than was reported.



Chinese CDC suggests an infection

Alexey Sukhorukov

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A study conducted on antibodies to the Corona virus in Wuhan residents in mid-April indicates that the true number of infections may have been 10 times higher than the figures reported by Chinese health officials.

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Of the 11 million people who live in the city, China’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 4.43% had antibodies to the virus. This percentage reaches almost 500,000 people who were infected with the new virus, but at the time, the city reported around 50,000 infections.

The CDC study included a sample of more than 34,000 people in Wuhan and six neighboring provinces.

Wuhan is known to be the place where the virus was first discovered almost a year ago.

Outside of Wuhan, the study found that the prevalence of antibodies was significantly lower, at 0.44%.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the low rate indicates that disease control measures in Wuhan “have effectively prevented the virus from spreading widely,” according to the South China Morning Post.

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In late January, the city was closed and isolated from any outside resources or visitors for almost 80 days.

Experts told the media that the variation in the number of reported coronavirus infections and the potential number of actual illnesses may be due to problems with testing and controlling the disease at the beginning of the outbreak, as well as its asymptomatic spread. . There were also differences in how cases were counted between health agencies during the peak of the first wave.

Source: Fox News
