The car “dreamed” … reduces to half the world with only one liter of fuel


What do you think if you were wandering the world, traveling between provinces in your own car without any fear or concern about the car running out of fuel? This seems like a wonderful dream that you think won’t come true, but in this rapidly developing world we have to stop saying the word “impossible” in a world that doesn’t know the impossible.

According to the “Audity Central” website, college students were able to invent a car that could cut “half the world” on the equivalent of a liter of fuel.

The idea of ​​the contest, which began 4 years ago, is to test cars that circulate on a railway for a distance of 3.36 km to keep rolling resistance to a minimum, while carrying a total of six passengers, with an average weight 50 kg per person, while energy consumption is measured. For participating vehicles in watt-hours, then divided by the number of passengers on board.

In its first year of participating in that competition, the “Eximus IV” car won first place with an astonishing 0.840 watt-hour per person per kilometer capacity to keep its record improving year after year.

Made with ultralight aircraft materials,

Last year, the “Eximus IV” team, the result of a collaboration between the University of “Dalanra” and the “Kalmers University of Technology” in Sweden, set a new record again, with 0.603 watt hours per person per kilometer.

In this year’s competition, held last month, the vehicle made from aeronautical materials outperformed its lightness with a recorded efficiency of 0.517 watt-hours per person per kilometer.

To be clear, all of the vehicles competing in that competition were very fuel efficient, consuming less energy than normal car headlights, but none of them could compete with the Eximus IV.

In this context, Professor Henrik Rodgrad explained that this car can be transported to half the world using an energy equivalent to a liter of gasoline.

While Eximus IV has not been produced in large numbers, the innovations introduced by its designers each year are helping further research into the fuel efficiency of commercial vehicles.
