The cabinet meets in Baabda … this is what will be discussed


Meanwhile, the Cabinet meets at the Republican Palace in Baabda, headed by President Michel Aoun, and attended by Prime Minister Hassan Diab and the ministers.

The Cabinet is reviewing a 13-point agenda in addition to urgent matters, including the presentation by the Minister of Public Health of events related to the Corona pandemic to make appropriate decisions on the matter.

Among the most prominent articles:
– A draft decree that modifies the book of conditions for the license of courses in marine waters and the model of the exploration and production agreement and adopts the procedures compatible with the amendment.

Presentation by the Ministry of Energy and Water to develop the reality of the business in terms of securing electricity and eliminating all the deficit of the Lebanese electricity budget.
– Complete the investigation in the project of the Minister of State for Administrative Development Affairs related to the national strategy to fight corruption.
– Complete the investigation in the presentation of proposals, circular projects, decrees and tax exemptions of the Ministry of Tourism, the presentation of the Ministry of Information of the strategic plan of action of the Ministry.
– The Ministry of Economy and Commerce requested the approval, by way of payment, of two decisions related to the prohibition of wheat and flour exports and the restriction of sales of wheat for milling for human consumption, in addition to deferred articles from the previous session.

The session was preceded by a meeting between the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, in which events and general conditions were discussed.
