The big news is, how many “secondary” symptoms of the Corona vaccine are left in the body?


Many countries in the world are about to begin vaccination against the emerging corona virus, which appeared late last year and then became a pandemic, but many questions remain about the safety of the “doses” and whether those who took them they would suffer worrying side effects.

The committee created by the White House to accelerate the development of vaccines against Corona, on Tuesday, confirmed the safety of the two vaccines that were announced by “Moderna” and “Pfizer.”

Experts from the initiative confirmed that side effects were clearly seen in 10-15 vaccinated volunteers, but this is not a cause for concern.

Moncef Al-Salawi, who is spearheading US President Donald Trump’s initiative, said these complications can continue for only a day and a half, which means it is only a very short period.

People who had side effects reported redness and pain where the dose was given, as well as heat and muscle pain.

But most of the volunteers in clinical trials of the vaccine did not show any worrisome symptoms.

Speaking to “The Washington Post,” Al-Sallawi confirmed that the short-level vaccine indicators are reassuring, while the medium-term indicators have become clear, but the long-term safety of the vaccine is not yet defined. .

Al-Salawi’s calm comes as the United States prepares to distribute the Corona virus vaccine in two weeks.

A vote is expected to take place Tuesday at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the criteria for determining who will receive the vaccine first when it is approved for emergency use.

Last month, American doctors advised intensifying awareness campaigns so that people are aware of some of the side effects that may surprise them when taking the vaccine.

This awareness is of great importance, because a person who exhibits these symptoms after taking the first dose of the vaccine may be afraid and refuse to take the second dose, and this matter will stop the efforts of health agencies to immunize the greatest number. possible of the population against infection, in order to achieve herd immunity in the future.

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