The author is “neither suspended nor absolute” … and Basilio clings to energy and Minister Arslan | Manchette


The US presidential elections have almost lost Lebanese curiosity about local politics, and news from ministers, ministries and settlers has fallen, as is the case with high or low prices of the dollar, scandals of ministers and representatives, price games , raw materials and goods, robberies and looting, and the damn news from Corona …

Added to this is concern about the crises generated, such as mushrooms every day, the rain from a cold depression that filled the long night with strong winds, lightning and thunder, and damage to roads and streets, and the precursors of disaster of the port explosion on August 4, following the collapse of a cracked building in the Al-Mudawar neighborhood.

While Lebanon has been busy tracking the US presidential elections, nothing new has happened in the course of the government formation, and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri did not visit the Baabda Palace yesterday, as he had been hesitating, and you can visit it at any time and between an hour and an hour. The information indicated that he had completed most of the training, but the discussion about the distribution of job boards, health and communications continues, after the energy portfolio for an Armenian figure proposed by the Tashnak party was decided, and Sovereign portfolios were largely liquidated, but with the possibility of a change in the distribution of foreign and domestic affairs. Tracking sources expected the hurdles to be overcome in the next few days.

The “government efforts” suffered a setback by dropping names on the exchanges, as well-known party blocs clung to the names of party people, who were qualified for ministry positions, completely undermining the credibility of an “important government” of specialists.

Well-informed political sources were content to tell the “Major General” that the issue of government formation did not stop completely, but is in a pause that can be prolonged and not prolonged, pending some contacts. Sources pointed out that the failure to hold the meeting between Presidents Aoun and Saad Hariri yesterday cannot be included in the framework of the consultation freeze, noting that this meeting can take place at any time as long as there is an agreement to consult with in accordance with the requirements of the constitution.

I reiterated that the training file is subject at all times to departures, disasters, conditions and counter-conditions, noting that the contracts that were reported in force were not resolved by the Ministry of Energy and the lack of nominative resolution, as well as the distribution of suitcases and the Druze knot, while there are those who confirm that there has been no contact with the Marada stream. Thus the bag that will belong to him has not been resolved.

He also understood that the entire file requires additional consultations, but the President of the Republic is in a hurry to formulate, but he gives these consultations the opportunity and is waiting for what Hariri can bring him on his next visit to Baabda.

On the other hand, the “Major General” learned that the crisis had returned to the starting point with regard to the accession of Deputy Gebran Bassil to the Ministry of Energy, as well as the adherence of the Shiites to finance, as well as the adhesion to deliver a portfolio to his ally Prince Talal Arslan, head of the Jabal Unit bloc, which includes him in 3 deputies of the Lebanon bloc. Strong.

Partial closure … or general?

Regarding the closure of the country, the sources said that it is not true that the Supreme Defense Council holds a meeting to decide to close the country for two weeks due to the advances in the spread of the Corona epidemic. It was reported that there are possibilities, among them, that the decision can be made without the need for the council as long as the country is in a state of general mobilization until the end of this year, and the head of the interim government can issue the decision knowing that it leads the ministerial committee to face the Corona epidemic.

Sources said the closure decision is still pending and unclear.

And there are those who say that the issue needs the Council of Ministers, and given the impossibility of convening an interim government, the matter may be left in the hands of the new government, especially with regard to decisions related to this epidemic. In this context, the adviser to the President of the Republic for Health Affairs and member of the Corona epidemic response committee, Dr. Walid Khoury told Al-Liwaa that the decision to close the country may not achieve the desired results. unless there is a real commitment to the locks decision, noting that the partial closure of areas and villages classified as red, which, if properly implemented, would have contributed to limiting the spread of the epidemic, did not achieve its goal for more Who is the reason to talk about the fact that there is a difficult economic situation in the country that is weighing on everyone?

Dr Khoury focused on the issue of private hospitals who reluctantly agreed to equip Corona’s departments as well as medical supplies, noting that the Lebanon’s situation regarding the Corona epidemic is critical and everyone’s efforts must combine to face it.

Financial audit

Financially, it was agreed to extend the work of ALVEREZ to audit the accounts of the Banque du Liban, after insinuating that if the Banque du Liban delayed the delivery of the requested documents on its accounts, it would officially announce the end of its mission in Lebanon.

The company held a meeting with the interim government finance minister, Ghazi Wazni, who promptly asked the governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, to hand over to the company what it requested.

The Bank of Lebanon responded, after a meeting of the Central Council, that it had handed over to the Minister of Finance all the accounts that belonged to it.

Regarding the State accounts, the State can request a detailed disclosure of all its accounts and subsequently hand them over to the authorities it deems appropriate to report them, which prevents the Banque du Liban from violating the legally binding bank secrecy laws and whose violation will carry criminal consequences.

Today, a representative from the audit firm is visiting Baabda for a meeting with President Michel Aoun.

Flour scandal

Meanwhile, the municipality of Ghobeiry announced the detection of a disaster in the warehouses of the Sports City, saying that “the flour is exposed to water, humidity and air”, noting that “thousands of tons of flour from the aid sent from Iraq are stored at the bottom of the stands and in the lower aisles, wrong. ».

The Minister of Economy of the interim government, Raoul Nehme, tweeted saying: “About 7000 tons of flour were stored in the Sports City temporarily, at the request of the Lebanese army”, indicating that the presentation shows materials that were damaged during the process. of unloading and transport of goods.


Hygienically, the Ministry of Health announced in its daily report that 1,888 new coronavirus cases and 9 deaths were recorded during the last 24 hours, and the cumulative number has increased since February 21, to 87,097 laboratory-confirmed infections.

Road collapse

Although the Department of Meteorology announced the rain and snow storm that hit Lebanon and the region over a period of three days, Lebanese cities and towns were “surprised” as usual by the rains, which washed away rivers in public streets , dragging garbage and dirt, blocking sewage canals and leaving swamps in which Cars, shops and pedestrians sank, leaving a suffocating traffic jam in various regions, while the citizen remained a victim of the history of the oil jug of the discord on the competences and responsibilities between the Ministry of Works and the municipalities.
