Within the framework of the preventive security operations carried out by the Information Division of the Internal Security Forces, especially with regard to the persecution of groups and persons suspected of belonging to terrorist organizations.
As a result of monitoring and follow-up operations, the Division was able to identify a person belonging to the terrorist organization “ISIS”, named: MK (Born in 2000, Syrian nationality).
On 12/28/2020, a special task force from the division arrested him and confiscated two cellular devices in his possession.
On questioning, he admitted the following:
During the control of “ISIS”, he used to live in the Deir Ezzor camp, so he joined the ranks of the terrorist organization and followed two Sharia courses with him. At the end of 2017, and after the siege of ISIS and its besieged regions intensified, he left Syria and crept into Lebanon from the factory side.
– He was active on social media during his stay in Lebanon, following up on the publications and news of the organization “ISIS” and then spreading them in his community.
About two months ago, he contacted two people, one of whom was named “Abu Omar” and the second “Abu Al-Khattab”, who are among the ISIS cadres in Syria. And that he informed the latter of his intention to carry out security work in Lebanon for the benefit of the organization, so “Abu Al-Khattab” accepted. To do this, he asked the latter to secure an explosive belt, bombs and military weapons, but his arrest prevented him from obtaining them.
About a week ago, he tried to recruit a person in Syria by recommending him to a painting by the aforementioned Abu Omar.
He downloaded scientific encyclopedias containing information on how to make explosives from commercially available materials for the purpose of making explosive devices onto his mobile device, and he became familiar with this field.
– He saw a military center between the two towns of Furn El-Chebak and Ain Al-Rummaneh – he knows the area well because he resides there – and he also monitored several bars and cafes on Badaro Street.
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