The American ambassador meets Hariri and Aoun … What is she looking for?


The world – Social Pulse

The meeting of the US ambassador to Lebanon with President Aoun at the Baabda Palace came after the deterioration of the relationship between the Lebanese president and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, following the emergence of new obstacles in the formation of the government. Aoun, pointing out that it “violates the constitution.”

And last Monday the crisis in the formation of the government worsened, after the exchange of accusations between President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, after the 18th meeting between them, without reaching an agreement on the file.

Saad Hariri, the prime minister assigned to form a new government since October, has disagreed with Aoun on the choice of ministers. The dispute escalated between them after a meeting to discuss the new government this week ended with public disapproval.

In a statement after meeting with President Aoun, Shea said that “we discussed the importance of forming a government committed and capable of carrying out reforms, stating that” the United States has affirmed its commitment to support the Lebanese people. “It is time to resign. to the demands. and enter into an agreement to form the government? “

“After almost eight months without a full-fledged government, isn’t it time to give in to the demands?” He said in statements. And to start making concessions? “The Hassan Diab government, which resigned after a major explosion in the port of Beirut in August, is doing business.

“At this time, courageous leaders are needed who are willing to put aside their partisan differences and work together to save the country from multiple crises and heal the wounds it suffers,” he said.

The financial crisis has intensified in recent weeks, with the Lebanese pound losing around 90% of its value, protesters blocking main roads and closing shops.

Meet (Chia – Hariri)

During her meeting with Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri on Wednesday, the US Ambassador in Beirut said the time has come to form the Lebanese government and put aside partisan differences, and called on Lebanese politicians to put aside their differences to save the country. of its multiple crises, after months of disagreements that prevented reaching an agreement on the formation of a new government.

US Ambassador Dorothy Shea has joined a group of Western officials urging divided leaders to agree to a new government to address the economic collapse in Lebanon, which is the worst crisis the country has seen in decades. .

This is what the British ambassador stated:

Meanwhile, British Ambassador to Beirut Martin Logden said Thursday that Lebanon’s political leaders are “dancing” on the brink, calling on them to take responsibility, in a statement released by the British Embassy in Beirut. via “Twitter”, commenting on the crisis The current politics of the country.

“Political leaders are dancing on the edge of the abyss,” Logden said, indicating that “all parties must take responsibility and act.”

Due to political differences, Lebanon is unable to form a new government to replace the current provisional government, led by Hassan Diab, who resigned 6 days after the bomb attack in the port of Beirut on 4 August.

Hariri was formally assigned to form the government last October, but was unable to complete the task due to political differences, at a time when the country is going through a severe economic crisis that is on the brink of collapse.

Now let’s follow the most important tweets about this hashtag (#America_Association) that were spread on the social media site, and most of them hinted at blatant American interference in Lebanon, where we first read a tweet for (Fatima Ali Abbass 1987 ), in which she said:

Umm Zaki (a metaphor for the American ambassador) came to Abd Abda this morning to facilitate the birth of the government as she is the mother of the child # American Ambassador # Saad_Hardan

The Lebanese Twitter account (Wasim Hadad) said:

#The American ambassador did not sleep at night after the arrival of Syrian oxygen … What would you like to work on after the arrival of Iranian oil?

The account in the Lebanese newspaper (An-Nahar) read:

#The American Ambassador after her #Aoun meeting: Isn’t it time to give up the demands and form a government?

The account (Lightning Heaven) read:

Sometimes we remain silent, because there are things that cannot be addressed with speech.

The account of (Mohammad Salami) wondered. Do the “political activists” who met the US ambassador, Dorothy Shea, believe that this meeting respects national sovereignty?

Then the account owner responded by saying: What a shame! Imagine the reaction to a meeting between resistance activists and the Iranian envoy.

@ mds1212_salami

Do the “political activists” who met the #US ambassador, Dorothy Shea, think that this meeting respects national sovereignty? Pity! Imagine the reaction to a meeting between pro-Resistance activists and Iran envoy

We conclude this hashtag (#America_Ambassador) with the tweet from the account of (Counselor Qassem Hadraj) who mocked the American abandonment in his country after presenting the American ambassador at the Baabda Palace and the Saudi ambassador before her, and what is between them a statement to the British ambassador in this regard, where he tweeted:

After the birth of the government has faltered, the President of the Republic receives for this purpose the French ambassador, the Saudi ambassador, to consult with them, since they are concerned about facilitating the birth of the government. Save Lebanon from Iranian occupation
