Tehran confirms its seriousness in adhering to the nuclear deal and calls on Europeans to mediate with Washington to save it


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif affirmed his country’s seriousness in preserving and implementing the nuclear deal, suggesting that the European side help organize the return of the United States and Iran to the deal.

Zarif said that his country has the political will to preserve the nuclear deal, and that his decision is clear on the part of the Supreme Leader, emphasizing that time is running out for US President Joe Biden on this dossier and that Washington must act seriously. .

The Iranian foreign minister affirmed that “if anyone has the right to set conditions for the implementation of the nuclear agreement, it is Iran, not the United States,” considering that “the conditions that Washington is talking about to return to the nuclear agreement do not make sense.”

In response to a question in an interview with CNN about how to “bring closer” between Washington and Tehran on the nuclear file, Zarif said: “There could be a mechanism that determines the timing (of these steps) or the coordination of what is can do.”

He pointed out that the nuclear agreement created a mixed commission whose coordinator is the person in charge of foreign policy of the European Union, and now it is Josep Borrell who can carry out the type of coordination of actions that are required of the United States and the European Union. actions that Iran must take.

The joint committee includes Iran and the other six countries that are party to the agreement, which are Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States.

European position

Borrell had previously said that the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal had been questioned, and the European Union acknowledged that in recent years it had not been able to protect legitimate business relationships between European companies and Iran.

In the context, European Union spokesman Peter Stano said that the priority for the countries of the Union is the return of the United States to the nuclear agreement.

The spokesman noted that Washington’s return to the nuclear deal could constitute a starting point for an expanded dialogue on security and stability in the region.

Earlier Monday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said Iran is a few weeks away from producing materials used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, if it continues to breach the nuclear deal.

Blinken added, in press statements, that the United States is ready to return to the nuclear deal if Iran complies with it again, stating that Iran must release US detainees regardless of any agreement with it.
