Technology today: Microsoft begins testing Xbox games


Today’s news Today’s technology: Microsoft Corporation begins to experience “Xbox” games News source: Arabs today with news details Microsoft Corporation begins to test “Xbox” games:

Today’s News – Washington – Arabs today

Microsoft has said it wants to showcase and experiment with playing on the new Xbox Series X this month. The company will hold a private in-house streaming event on May 7, with a strong focus on gaming to test its new device, and Microsoft will include playing the company’s next generation of global developer partners, but the titles of the games by Xbox Game Studios will not be shown until a later date.

“I am very excited to see our partners offer us a first look at playing Xbox Series X next week,” said Aaron Greenberg, general manager of Xbox game marketing, according to the Vision website. This news about Microsoft’s effectiveness comes shortly after Ubisoft released the teaser and promotional video for their game. New Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

The new game will be available during the upcoming holiday period, in which Vikings will be available and available to play on Xbox Series X and PS5, and Ubisoft said it will also review the game during Microsoft’s event next week.

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