tayyar.org – the “Pfizer” vaccine and the problem of injections!


Millions of people in Japan will not receive the Pfizer Corona virus vaccine, as planned, due to a lack of specialized syringes (needles), which would thwart the country’s vaccination program. According to Japanese Health Minister Norihisa Tamura, the standard needles used in Japan cannot extract the sixth and final dose from each package of vaccine manufactured by the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer.

Japan had received 144 million injections of the Pfizer vaccine, which was supposed to be enough for 72 million people, assuming that each package contains 6 doses. According to Pfizer, each recipient needs two doses, at least 3 weeks apart, to increase the level of protection.

However, the lack of “low dead space” needles, which have narrow presses that can expel any remaining vaccine within the package, means that vaccinators and vaccinators in Japan will basically have to use standard needles capable of drawing only 5 doses per package. more or less enough for 60 million people instead of 72 million.

Japan is not the only one facing this problem. The United States and European Union countries have also reported a shortage of “low dead space” needles, meaning there will likely be stiff competition to secure additional supplies quickly.

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