tayyar.org – News: Hill Supports Hariri


News: Lebanon, like other countries in the region, entered the US electoral period, when everything is calculated according to the scale of the ballot boxes in the United States. In this context, visitors to the US capital reported that US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale expressed his country’s support for Saad Hariri’s assumption of the post of prime minister, and his understanding of the political contacts it makes as part of the formation of the government.

Hill said that his ministry is working today according to a policy of closely monitoring the Lebanese file, but that no one else in the administration cares today about what is happening in Lebanon.

The visitors said Hill intended that the Lebanese could tap into the concern of the rest of US decision-making circles with the elections to make workable arrangements. They said Hill was adamant about the financial record, saying, “There is no framework for action outside of the IMF program.”

At the local level, the permanent leaks coming out of the home of the president-designate in Wadi Abu Jameel, spread an optimism that, according to insiders, is based on his sessions with the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun. Sources underestimate this climate, especially since the basic knot that Hariri must overcome is not resolved with meetings with Aoun, but with the head of the “strong Lebanon” bloc, deputy Gebran Bassil.

However, sources from the Free Patriotic Movement indicated that the movement’s “dilemma” could be overcome with the participation of the president, while sources on March 8 deny it, confirming that the fact that Hariri does not agree with Bassil’s opinion it will impede the formation of the government.

Leading political sources consider that “regardless of the implicit agreement between Hariri and the Shiite duo on facilitation, and the most important thing in it is the appointment of specialized ministers,” what will take place in the next few days will be enough to show whether there is another contract or not. While the duo, specifically Hizbullah, confirm that “Hariri has not yet contacted him, and that the party is awaiting the results of the consultations with Aoun and the agreement with Basil,” one of the indications of silent discrepancies remains the same. quoted by the head of the Socialist Party, former MP Walid Jumblatt, who Raise the Shout »Yesterday, expression of his discontent with Aoun’s meetings with Representative Talal Arslan and the leader of the Arab Tawhid Party, Wiam Wahhab.

Jumblatt, who was promised the “Health” and “Social Affairs” portfolios, curses behind these meetings “attempts to share the Druze part between himself and Arslan”, according to his associates … and Jumblatt became more tense! with the information that spoke of Hariri’s insistence on obtaining the Ministry of Health!

Just before Hariri went to Baabda last night, where there was a meeting, the Republican Palace declared that “a completion of the study of the government file in an atmosphere of progress and deliberation,” the office of the Speaker of Parliament, Nabih Berri , he quoted him saying that “the next government can see the light in four or five days if the environment remained positive, as it is currently.”

The meeting between Aoun and Hariri, which lasted about 45 minutes, did not emerge from any data, as they insist on “keeping the deliberations secret”, according to Baabda sources, whose assertion was limited to that “the debate has reached the stage distribution of bags “. In the evening, Hariri issued a statement denying everything reported in the media about the government inquiries.

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